Page 496 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 496


               Ladles' Section.
                          Out-patients treated       20,979
                           in-patients created          846
                           Operations (Major)            86
                           Operations (Minor)           438
                           Venereal Disease             457
               (lv) JUAHAKTIK5 STATION.
                          Lt. M.L.A. Steele was in charge as Quarantine
               Medical Officer throughout the year except for a period
               of leave from the 20th July to the 25th October when
               Dr. Dhandarkar of the Stace Medical Hospital officiated
               in his place.
                          The quarantine service in Bahrain has dtxda
               progressed during the last few years, credit for which
               goes to Dr. Steele, whose efforts in this cause under
               difficult local condicions have had effect.

                          Gone idea of the progress and efficacy of
               this service may be gauged from the following figures
               of Bahrain’s v.orst epidemic, small pox:-
                                 Year.          ;:o. of cases.
                            1941  (from Sept.)       193
                            1942                     119
                            1943                      43
                            1944                      57
                            1245                      14
                          The quarantine station is situated near
               Muharraq. The site is admirable in that it is cut off
               from the town at hi;h tide. There are two buildings
               with accommodation for about 150 persons. This station
               is designed for local use only. It was expanded and
               improved in 1941 and the following years. Compulsory
               segregation of infected cases and mass vaccination were
               also introduced at the same time. No facilities for
               segregation of passengers from ships and 'planes, if
               necessary, exist at present, but it is hoped that some
              arrangements to this end will be made soon.
                         A tocal of 62 passenger steamers and about
              20 tankers and freighters were visited by the Quarantine
              Medical Officer during the year under review.

                         At present no effective quarantine arrangements
              have been made for yellow fever, as the expense involved
              would be too high and not justified by the circumstances,
              as only passengers of the British Overseas Airways Cor­
              poration "C" class 'planes, which touch at yellow fever
              infected areas en route are affected. *
              16. THE POST OFFICE.

                         Mr. Kajab All was the Sub-post Master through­
              out the year assisted by four clerks.

               ♦The quarantine staff is too small             (Continued )
                 to keep a vigilant check on the
                 crew and passengers of country-craft.
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