Page 501 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 501
Americans 261 (including 105
British (U.K.) 292
Canadians 82
South Africans 28
Other Europeans 8
British Indians 681
* Iraqis 20
Bahrainis 3580
Others 736
(1) Royalties on Bapco Oil.
During the half year period from the 1st
January, 1945, to the 30th June, 194o, the Royalties
paid to the Shaikh and the Bahrain Government amounted
to Rs.15,65,925 (Rupees fifteen lacs, sixty-five thou
sand nine hundred and twenty-five only). The statement
for Royalties for the second half.of the year under
review had not been received at the time of compilation
of this report.
—9 'O ■
(1) i,?r. Van der Ueulen, Llinister for the Netherlands,
at Jedda, passed through Bahrain en route to Bushire on
the 7th January, and spent a couple of days here.
(ii) His Excellency shaikh Sultan bin Salim, Ruler
of Has al Xkaixtah, spent almost two weeks in Bahrain
during June. He stayed with His Highness.
(i) on the 1st January in accordance with the usual
custom His Highness accompanied by his senior relatives
paid an official call on the Political Agent. Later
the same day some 200 of the leading members of all
communities in Bahrain were received by the political
(ii) On the 16th February the Spring Race Meeting
was held in aid of War Charities and resulted in a
satisfactory collection of Rs.16,000/- to that end.
(iii) As hour by hour publicity made V.E. DAY more
obviously imminent, there were local attempts to
"jump the flag"; the anxiety to celebrate, coupled .
with the normal nervous tension of the Arab, could
not wait for the official all-clear. When it did come
there was inevitably a tinge of anti-climax in the
picture. Nevertheless, flags during the day and lights
at night made a brave show. The squibs were old and
damp but their dulness served only as a reminder that
material for making them was for use in sterner fireworks.