Page 497 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 497


                    RECEIPTS.                 Rs. A. P.
               1.  Solo of Stamps        1,15,284 11  9

               2.  Commission on
                    money orders           32,157  0  0
               3.  British postal
                     Orders poundage          325  8  0
               4.  Indian postal Ofders
                         Commission             63   1  0

               5.  Amount of postage due
                      realised in cash         235 14  0
                              Total      1,48,066  5  9

           Total amount of money
              orders sent from Bahrain 13,52,899     7 9

           Defence Savings Certifi­
                   cates sold                 1,070  0 0
           Five year Cash Certificates
                            sold              7,851 15 0
           Number cf registered letters
                        received                  13,591

           Number of registered letters
                        despatched                 16,024
           Number cf registered parcels
                        received                    5,056
           I,'umber of registered parcels
                        despatched                    528
                       It is hoped to institute certain improvements
           in the post Office in the very near future for which
            there is ample scope and a pressing need.
                Agency Courts.

                       Civil and criminal suits decided during
           the year totaled 1129 and 405 respectively.
                       The outstanding case was that of Charles
           E. L-innick, an American, who was found guilty of
           stealing twenty motor tyres, sentenced to one year's
           imprisonment, and committed to the Yeravada jail at

           18. EDUCATION.
                Number of schools in existence on 1.1.*45        15
                Number of schools opened during 1945

   492   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502