Page 563 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 563
Cultivation of opium was prohibited since April*
and from the 22nd November its sale to tho public was stopped
by tho Government, It i3 still easily obtainable but tho price
has risen from 10 rials to 22 rials per miskal and is still
Pistachios. The pistachio crop is stated to be tho best for
some years. Last year a raaund of 3 kilos fetched 280/- rials
for tho best quality, whereas this year it has dropped to 100/-*
Local merchants have received enquiries from the U.S.A. for
large orders,
(e) Education Department6
Aqai Mehdi Kesravi held the post of Director
of Education until 16th May when he received orders of transfer,
Aqai All Naki Bshraanyar officiated until the arrival of Aqai
Zeinul Abedin Hikmat on the 17th September, Eeing a r0bid Tudeh
sympathiser he immediately set about giving the best appointments
to others with similar viows regardless of their capacity to hold
these posts, and causing the transfer of non-Tudehs to other
provinces or to junior and inferior posts in outlying districts.
The most glaring example of this was the removal of Aqai
Yadullah Mir Husaini, the popular and efficient Headmaster of the
local Pahlavi school who was replaced by a junior member of the
Department, Established teachers were threatened with reduction
to inferior posts and pupil3 faced with the prospect of being
failed in their examinations if they did not join the Tudeh
movement. Some succumbed to the threat but many held out.
Eventually when school hours were devoted to the reading out of
Tudeh.propaganda to the pupils many parents were enraged and strong
representations were made to the Prime minister. At first it
did not produce the desired result owing, it is said to Hikmat’s
relationship to the Ustandar, but towards the end of the year
Hikmat was recalled to Tehran, During this period conditions
in the Department and schools were chaotic and the administration
of the schools suffered a severe setback,
(f) National Bank.
Aqai Reza Quli Ameri held charge as manager until
the 3rd May when be left for Meshed on leave. Aqai Path Ali Shaar,
the Assistant Manager of the Bank officiated as Manager until the
26th December when he wee relieved by Ali Asghar Yavari.
(g) Agricultural Bank.
Aqai Sayed Jawed Lloinzadeh held the post of
Manager throughout the year. During the year he took one month’s
leave during which period Aqai Abbas Borumand officiated.
For the year ending March 1947 the Agricultural
Bank loaned a sum of 17,000 tomans to landlords and- cultivators
for constructing * Qanata 1 and for the purchase of farming
implements. The rat9 of interest on these loans has remained a^"
6£ in addition to /£% known as 1 karmuzd The major part of
this loan has gone to Aqai Anfari of Ban,
(h) Department of Justice.
•Aqai H. Akhgar held charge of the post of Chief Judge
until the 5th October when he left for Tehran on leave. Aqai
Solo in an Mirza Ibrahimi, a senior member of the Court of Aoeal
officiated during his absence, 9
Aqai Mohammad Husain Khwaja Nasirl, editor of
a-jrSirysL; ez; ■£%£? - *-*»*«
Aqai Jalali Chief Judge of the Court of First