Page 173 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                     OF TUB

                       MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY
                                 FOR THE YEAR


                            PART I.—GENERAL.
          Lieutenant-Colonel Miles* r&suine of the leading events at Muscat and in Oman during
       the past official year forms the second part of this Administration Report.
          S. Colonel Miles* tour in Her Majesty’s Ship Dragon round the south-eastern coast of
       Oman in December deserves notice as having been a voyage of great interest and utility. A
       portion of the report on the subject is reproduced as Appendix A to Part IL
                           2.—PIRATE COAST OF OMAN.
          3. The past year has been uneventful for this part of Oman.
          4.  The Jowasimi Chief Hameyd-bin-Abdullah continues to rule this town and district.
                                  An unimportant raid was made by a party of the
                                  Monasir into a district of Ras-el-Kbaimah in May
       Subsequently this quarrel was made up by the mediation of the Chiefs of Debay and Shargah.
       In June a shock of earthquake was felt at Ras-el-Khaimah.
          5.  The Chief of this township, Ahmed-bin-Abdullah, of the tribe Al-bu-Ali, having sent
                                  presents to the Sultan of Zanzibar, received in return a
                                  quantity of gunpowder and lead and some clothing.
          6.  Chief Rashid-bin-Hameyd, Al-bu-Ali. Daring the pearl-fishing season (June 1884) an
                                  Ejm&u boat was attacked and fired on by one Seif-d-
                                  Adham, who resides on the island of Sirri, and who bad
       previously behaved in a turbulent manner. The offence, which constituted a breach of the
       maritime trace, having been clearly proved, Her Majesty’s Ship Philomel proceeded with the
       Residency Agent for the Arab coast to Sirri, and burned the boat of Seif-el-Adham in a
       pablic manner.
          7. The new Chief of Shargah, Sakar-bin-Khalid, has continued in undisturbed possession.
                                  He renewed his request to the Resident that security for
                 Shargah.         good behaviour might be taken from the ex-Chief Salim-
       bin-Sultan, who continued to reside in the island of Boo Moosa, and who was likely, the Chief
       feared, to disturb the peace at sea. To this letter the Resident replied, referring Shaikh Sakar
       to-the previous letter mentioned in paragraph 16 of the Annual Report for 1883-84.
          8.  The township of Himrfyah is nominally a dependency of Shargah, but the Shargah
       Chief exercises hardly any real authority over the Chief of Hirarfyah. In April the Chief of
       Shargah invited Saif-biu-Abdul-Rahman, Chief of Himrfyah, to visit Shargah, and on arrival
       of Saif, the latter’s brother, Muhammad, was sent to Him i'(yah to assume the office of Chief,
       Saif-bin-Abdul-Rahman immediately returned to Himriyah and expelled his brother from
       the place.
          9.  Some disturbances, as is common, occurred in the distriots of the Batinab ooast, norm*
       nally subject to Shargah. Hamad-bin-Abdullah, Chief of Fajeyrah, attacked the towns of
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