Page 175 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 175

                     EE9IDEN0Y AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOE 1884-85.

       latest news received is that Abdallah-bin-Su’ood was deputed by his uncle and brothers
       to negotiate terms of pcaco with Muharamnd-ibn-Rashid, and that the principle of vli
       poiiidelit had been accepted by both sides and presents exchanged. Tho intelligence still   U
       requires confirmation,
                                    24. Sa'ccd Pasha has continued to govern this district   1
                 EMIm*.            on tho part of the Porte, and appears to do eo with
                                   marked ability.                                          u;
           25. A robbery was committed in August by a gang of Beni Ildjir on a boat belong­  ■
       ing to El-Kalr whilst lying at anchor at El-Katcef. Some of the Beni Hdjir tribe were   !
       arrested.                                                                            ■c;  j
           20. In March 1884 it was reported that several boats of Bahrain bad been impressed for
       conveyance  of Turkish soldiers from Ojair to Ras Tanoorah. The complaint having been snb-
       mitted by the Political Agent in Turkish Arabia to Constantinople, the Government of the   i i‘i
       Porte denied the truth of tho report, on which Iler Majesty's Ambassador desired to be   ■
       furnished with additional proof, so as to be able to convinco the Porte of tho truth of the   i
       allegation. Further depositions of eye-witnesses, attested by a Kadhi, were accordingly   1  i;
       furnished in July.                                                                  : ; i r
           27.  The caso of a boat belonging to s British Indian similarly impressed was also submit­  ::
       ted, and the Political Agent at Baghdad endeavoured to induce the Wali of Baghdad to afford   M
       some compensation.
           28.  In April Nasir-biu-Mubdrik wrote to the Resident, saying he was anxious to maintain  t
                                   friendly relations with the British Government and to act
                                   in accordance with their wishes, and expressing a desire  M  i i
       to send a messenger toBushirc. A reply was sent to the effect that the Resideut would be happy
       to receive h*u messenger. In July the messenger, Khamces-bin-Jooma, arrived in Bushire,   Hi
       and it turned cut that Nasir-bin-Mubarik's request was that the Resident should obtain resti­
       tution of bis groves in Bahrain which were confiscated many years ago. The Resident in­
       formed Khamces that he declined to recommend this proposal to the Chief of Bahrain.
           29.  In April a branch of the Beni Ilajir raided the Katr coast, and killed the son of
       Ali-bin-ltdsLid, Chief of Wakrah.
           30.  In May Sheikh Jasim of El-flida wrote to the Resident, stating that ho had resigned
       tho Government of El-Bida and professing friendly sentiments.
           31.  In July the Residency Agent at Bahrain reported that Sheikh Jasim contemplated   1
                                                                                               i •
       putting to 6ea with a force with a new to attacking some of the Beni Hajir residing at Zahran.   ||:l
       A letter was addressed to Sheikh Jasim desiring him to abandon that intention.       Mi
           32. The adherents of Sheikh Jasim in El-Katr had been for some time at enmity with the   S;i!
       'Ajmdn tribe of El-Hasa, and great fears were entertained of an attack being made by the
       'Ajman on El-Bida. The 'Ajmdn, however, abandoned their intention of attacking Katr, and   :i  l
       proceeded to a watering station called Booaeyzan between Katr and Oradn. The 'Ajman were   1
       joined by a branch of the A1 Morrah and 6ome Beni Hdjir, hostile to the people of El-Katr
       and the total forco was raid to be 2,000. They were opposed at Booncyzan by a body of 1,200
       Arabs composed of A1 Monasir and rival Lrauches of AJ Morrah and Beni Hdjir, and  a severe
       fight occurred, in which the 'Ajradn and their allies were completely defeated with heavy loss.
       As the victors were friends and partizans of Sheikh Jasim, the latter was much elated.
           33. It was expected that the 'Ajm£n would assemble in force in Hasa and attack Katr ia
       view to retrieving their lost prestige and avenging themselves on their eucmies, but hitherto
       no such attempt has been made.
           Sheikh Jasim sent a present of four horses to the Sultan of Muscat, and received  some
       ammunition in return.                                                                    'f 1
          8V The arrangoraenta for tho administration of the province of Fdrs, desoribod in para­  :
       graphs 32 and 83 of the Annual Report for 1883-84, have remained unaltered.
          85.  Mirza Muhammad Khan, fonnerly Foreign OfBce Agent at Bushiro, wae in Mar
       appointed Foreign Oflice Agent for 8hiraz,                   '
          86. The Shiraz distriots have not been free from petty disturbances and robberies, which
       occurrences ore owing to the slackness of the present Government of Fdrs. The provinoe of
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