Page 314 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                     f5th Aboo-eU^riMB061          Procur(d 30 dato offehoote of tho following varieties
                           Khcdrowi                                           . Ho.
                           Gan Ur   .
                           Sa’unran •
                           Sbaker   •
                           Male plants •
                     through Mr. Robertson, Consul at Busrah, sent them on to Bombay per steam-ship India,
                     advising the Secretary, Bombay Government, as per his letter No. 1388—378, dated 21st August
                     1872, of this consignment. Tho Secretary to tho Chief Commissioner of Oudh, in hie letter No.
                     4240, dated 30th September 1872, to the Bombay Government, enclosed a memorandum, dated
                     23rd September 1872, from tho Superintendent, Department of Science, Oudh, acknowledging
                     the receipt, in good condition, of the above offshoots, and his letter No. 4481, dated 15th
                     October 1872, conveyed to the Bombay Government the Chief Commissioner's request that, as
                     previously promised by Colonel Pelly, at least 70, if not tho whole hundred plants, might be
                     sent to Lucknow to enablo them to set on foot a nursery in view of stocking the whole
                     province; and ho further added that no more date seeds wore required.
                        Accordingly a supply of 100 date plants, as follows,—
                          Sa'meran •                                              24
                          Gantar •                                                22
                          Hallowi                                                 21
                          Kbedrowi .                                              2S
                          Kabkab                                                   1
                          Male plants.                                             7
                     being procured, they were shipped on board the British India Steam Navigation Company's
                     steamer Cashmere on the 14th December 1872, to the consignment of the Secretary, Bombay
                     Government, who was advised of this despatch and requested to intimate whether a supply of
                     100 plants would bo annually required. The Bombay Government, as per Resolution No.
                     797, dated Gth February 1873, sent to the Political Resident, Persian Gulf, copy of a letter from
                    Dr. Bonavia, Superintendent, Department of Science, informing him that an annual supply of
                     100 date-palms would be sufficient.
                        The Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Oudh, in his letter No. 431, dated 29th
                    January 1873, to the Bombay Government, stated that the date plants from the Persian Gulf
                    had, with two exceptions, been received in good condition.
                        The Junior Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Oudh forwarded, as per his letter
                    No. 4187, dated 4fch September 1873, to the Bombay Government Dr, E. Bonavia's report,
                    dated 19th August 1873, on the state of the culture of the date-palm in Oudh, soliciting that
                    date offshoots should be sent from the Persian Gulf only once a year so as to arrive in
                    Lucknow in September or at the latest in October.
                        The above papers were sent to Colonel Ross, the Political Resident, Persian Golf, by the
                    Bombay Government, as per Resolution No. 0131, dated 8th Octeber 1873, with a request to give
                    the necessary orders for a compliance with the wishes of the Superintendent, Department of
                    Science in Oudh, and Colonel Rosa despatched 100 date plants per 8. S. Penang as
                          Hallowi                                               . 26
                          Gao Ur                                                . 25
                          Khedrowf                                              . 25
                          8a'mnu                                                  25
                    consigned to the Secretary, Bombay Governmment, advising him of this consignment as
                    per letter No. 94—G., dated 5th August 1874. The Junior Secretary to the Chief Commissioner,
                    of OudU acknowledged in his letter No. 6076, dated 15th September 1874, receipt in good
                    order of the above 100 dates.
                        Daring the period of six years the cultivation of date-palm having made. considerable
                    progress, the Personal Assistant to the Chief Commissioner of Oudh wrote in hi* le
                    No. 8201, dated 17th September 1874, to the Government of India, and forwarded a copy
                    Dr. E. Bonavia's report No. 3S9, dated 8th September 1874, on the cultivation of the Arabian
                    date-palm in Ondh, oxpressing the Chief Commissioner'* opinion that no further assistance
                    wan required, for the plant# they had were sufficient for propagation, nod were progressing
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