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                      date-palm offshoots and seeds for trial in tlmt province, and adding that any assistance rendered
                      in the matter would bo much appreciated by Hi* Highness tho Maharaja's Government.
                      Accordingly a supply of 116 date offshoots as follows,—
                             Hallow!                                         No. 18
                             GanUr                                            n   18
                             Khodrow!                                         r»  18
                             Sa’xnoran                                        ft  18
                             Djori                                            ft  16
                             Baraim                                               10
                             Zabcdi                                               10
                             Male plants                                      ft  8
                      was procured from Basrah and shipped on board the B. 1. S. N. Company's steamer 8a(ara
                      on the 21st September 1885, for conveyance to Bangalore vid Bombay.
                         Mr. Cameran, the Superintendent, in his letter dated 28th November 1885, acknowledged
                      the safe arrival of the date offshoots with his thanks for the trouble taken, and requesting to
                      be supplied with date seeds.
                         In his letter No. A.-1584, dated 20th October 1885, the Director, Department of Agri­
                      culture and Commerce, North-Western Provinces and Oudh, requested tbe Resident, Persian
                      Gulf, to send him a supply of date-palm seeds of two or three varieties.
                         In accordance with tbe above requisitions a small supply of the best seeds with their
                      pulp was procured from Busrah and sent on tbe 14th December 1885, per S. S. Conmilla,
                      duly packed in two cases, to Bombay, one being destined for Bangalore and tbe other for
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