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                                      PART IL

           administration report of the muscat political agency for
                                   THE YEAR 1885-86.
             Political.—At tbo commencement of the official year, tranquillity reigned throughout the
             In April tho Sultan's Wali of Zikki suffered a reverse at the hands of Hilal-bin-Zahirnear
          FarVj a fortlct in tho possession of Hilal-bin-Zahir, the inhabitants of which place, it was said,
          proposed to hand ovor the fort to the Wali of Zikki, who had therefore marched to Fark to
          take it over; but was engaged by Hilal, defeated, and forced to retire on Manh.
             The district of Jaalan was also reported to be somewhat disturbed, and an attack was made
          by the Beni-ba Hassan on Sincysileh near Sur, in which one of the Beni Sinan was killed.
             In May, tho fortress of Behla (Wali Nasir-bin-Hameid-cl-Ghafri) was besieged by Sheik
          Salim-bin Bcdr-el-Ibu in conjunction with the Yaarabch, but being too weak to take it, they
          6oon  raised the siege.
             In June, news was received that an insurrection had taken place at Dhofar, which was
          confirmed in October by tho Wali Ali-bin Suleiman together with the Arab garrison coming to
          Muscat; they having been expelled by the inhabitants of Dhofar, from whom, however, letters
          were at the same time received, in which their friendship for, and allegiance to, His Highness
          Sayid Turk! was expressed, while stating that they had been unable to endure the oppression
          of his Wali.
             In July, it was rumoured that Sayid Abdul Aziz, the Sultan's brother, intended to attack
          Muscat after the Ramazan fast was over, but lie was unable to collect a sufficient force for the
          purpose, and the intended movement collapsed. In tho same month the Beni Hina were
          attacked by the Awamir, with whom they were at feud, in the vicinity of Sib, and three of
          their number killed; they retaliated by destroying some §20,00U worth of date property
          belonging to the Awamir at Khotk; upon which the Awamir, assisted by the Wali of Masnaa,
          Ali-bin-Salim Al Amiri, and the Wali of Barka, Saul-bin Khanis-al-Amiri, again attacked the
          Beni Hina, but were repulsed with a loss of 7 killed. On the news reaching Muscat,’ His
          Highness Sayid Turki sent his son, Sayid Feysul, to Sib to enquire into the matter; but
          before his arrival a truce for one year had been arranged by the Sheiks of Semael.
             In August, Sayids Feysul and Fahd proceeded in the S. S. Bar es Salam to Sur to
          endeavour to obtain payment of certain customs duty from the Jenebeh, but were unsuccessful.
          In the same month, a party of Mokabil raided the district of Majaz near Sohar and lifted
          some camels, bat were promptly followed and reduced to submission by the Wali of Sohar
             In September, a serious collision occurred between the Beni Gliafir and Ibriyin in Wadi
          Sahtani, in which 25 of the former aud 45 of the latter were killed.
             In November, a man was killed at Kuriyai by a party of Beni Battasb,for which deed the
          tribe agreed to pay blood-money. In this month a serious collision occurred in the Sharkiyeh
          between the Mesakcreh on the one side, and the Harth, Hijrieen Rejeybi and al Wahibah on
          the other, in which 60 or 70 men were killed. Ali-bin-Salim al Amiri was despatched by Hie
          Highness tho Sultan to mediate between the parties, in which mission he was successful.
             In December the Political Agent (Colonel Miles) made an interesting tour of 20 days
          through Oman and the Dhahireh country, and was received everywhere with great courtesy
          and cordiality.
             In January 1886, His Highness Sayid Turki was informed that Her Majesty had been
          graciously pleased to create him a K.G.C.S.I. In the 6amo month on attempt was made to
          assassinate the Minister, Sayid S&id-bin-Muhammad, who was wounded in the |shonlder by
          a pistol-bullet; the would be-assassin escaped, but several slaves were arrested on suspicion.
          The occurrence was taken advantage of by Sayid Abdul Aziz to indite a letter to the Minister,
          in which he endeavoured to seduce him from his allegiance to His Highness Sayid Turki.
             In the same month the Khoja traders of Khabureh complained of oppression at the hands
          of the Wali of Sohar; tho matter was enquired into by the Political Agent and redress obtained.
             Slave Trade,—Tbero were two seizures made during tbe year by Her Majesty1! vessels
          cruising in these waters, viz,t Her Majesty's S. Otjtrey, one dhow with 72 slaves, seized off Ras
           ndrakaj Her Majesty's 8. Banger, a dhow with 2 slaves, captured off Sur; both of whioh
          were condemned.
                                                E. MOCKLER, Zieut,-Colonel,
                                           H, B, M*i Political Agent and ConeulyMueeerU
            Bunin Potmen Aoisor

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