Page 609 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                               APPENDIX C TO PART I.

                                 CHOLERA IN PERSIA.
           1821.—Tho epidemic of 1817 starting: from Lower Bengal reached Bombay in August
                                1818 and broke out afresh there in tho year under notice.
                               On the 8th July 1821 it was prevalent at Muscat and in the
            Cholera route* in I’cnia.
                               6iune month at Bahrain.
         Moved up to Sliinu from tbc coa*t   On the 2Uth August it appeared at Bunder Abbas and on
        uiott probably.        the 29th August at Shiraz.
                                 It attacked the Persian army before Bagdad in the samo
             up the Euphrates aud Tigri*. month, Augu6t,and broke out also in several places in Turkey
                               in Asia in this and next month, September.
         Probably entered by Urumia flr*t   J823.—In July cholera was epidemic in the Tabriz Dis­
        and Inter by Kcruuinibuli.  trict and on to liesht. Later in the year it was pretty gene­
                               rally spread over all Persia.
           1823.—The epidemic covered all Persia and extended to Alexandretta and along the
        coast of the Mediterranean; also along the Caspian shores to Astrachan, where it disappeared.
           1S2.9.—The epidemic which started from Bengal in 1826 passed into Afghanistan and
                                Bokhara and Khiva in 1829. From Herat the epidemic
                                passed to Meshed and right across Northern Persia, through
         Entered from Herat by Meabod.
                               Tehran aud Tabriz.
           1S30.—Cholera was prevalent over all Northern Persia, along the western shores of the
        Caspiau and up into Central Russia.
           1831.—The epidemic ceased in Persia, but passed across Europe, reaching England in
        October. It is held by 6ome authorities that this invasiou of Europe wa6 not due, as I have
        above described it to be, to an advance from India, through Persia aud South Russia, but to an
        advance from Mecca, where the disease had been brought by pilgrims from India by way of
        Egypt and Turkey in Europe and thence across the Contineut.
                                                 ..  .  -
         Entered from Bokhra and Afghani*-   1645.—Cholera raged in Central Asia and Bokhara, and
        tun rid Herat and Moehed tbo 1829  Cabtjl 6uttered very heavily in 1844.  In 1845  the  epidemic
        route.                 reached Meshed from both Bokhara and Herat.
           1816.—Cholera was epidemic over all northern Persia. Dr. Milroy records its appearance
        at Tehran in May 1846, and 6ays that men in many cases suddenly dropped down in a state of
        lethargy and died in two or three hours without vomiting or convulsions.
           1847.—Cholera was epidemic over all Persia, Passed into Europe and to America in
        following year 1848.
         Entered Southern Pcraia from the   1851.—Cholera was epidemic over all the Bombay Presi.
        •bore* of tbo Persian Oulf probably.  dency in 1850, and in 1851 over all Southern Persia.
         Prevailed in the Oulf and up tho   1852.—Cholera prevailed in the Persian Gulf and up the
        Euphrates and tho Tigria to Baghdad. Tigris to Baghdad.
         Probably the epidemic entered both   1853.—All Persia was covered by the epidemic and it
        from the Gulf shore* and from tbo appeared in many places in Russia.
        Baghdad direction a* iu 182.1-22.   1 1
            In 1854 this epidemic spread all over Europe and America.
            1665.—Cholera was epidemic over Bengal as high as Cuwnpore in 1863; in 1864 the
                               epidemic spread over the Central Provinces and a part of
        ».iidrCton)iHve pawed up the caravan the Bombay Presidency. Iu 1866 Bombay Presidency suffered
        ShiratbCtWeea buuder AbbM aud from the epidemic over nearly its whole areo. In the end
                               of May the disease moved along the Mekrau Coast and
        reached Meenow, some 60 miles east of Bunder Abbas. It was said to be prevaleut at the
        same time at Kassab on the Arabian Coast.
            1 have no further record of this epidemic till August when Linguh and its neighbourhood
        suffered very heavily. It was said at the same time that the disease was moving up the
        caravan road between Buuder Abbas and Shiraz.
           There seems to have been no advance of this epidemic beyond Lingah on the Persian
        Coast of the Gulf; I have qo record of what followed the outbreak at Kassab on the Arabian
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