Page 611 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 611


           1869. —In the spring, cholera broke out at Kum (south-west of Meshed) and at Kasban
                                (botwoen Ispahan and Tohran). It appeared at Tehran in
               All Pcnia inffored.
                                Jane and is said to have caused 50 deaths daily. It broke
        out at Ispahan in the first days of July and at Shiraz (where it is said it caused 300
        deaths a day and a total loss of 5,000 lives) on the 16th July. It disappeared from Ispahan
        and Shiraz about the middle of August but clung to Tehran and the Meshed route for a con­
        siderable time after.
           It was at Xazeroon m the last days of July snd reached Boabire on I3th October.
           In this month there ware come cases at Kier in South Russia.
            1870. —Cholera was prevalent throughout Trans-Caucasia and to the Persian Frontier below
        Erivan, but I have no record of its appearance in Persia.
            Nearly all Russia south of St. Petersburg was this year affected by the epidemic.
            187L—Cholera appeared at Bushire on the 13th February and clung to the town and
                                neighbourhood till the middle of March (the town, &c., was
                                crowded with sufferers from the famine and amongst them
        by tcrn:an:bc.b u in 1821-22, 16C3- was the chief mortality. On one day in February, 41 deaths
        W, 1S66 probably.       from cholera occurred).
            In tie first days of April there were cases of cholera at Bussorah.
            About the middle of April there was a small outbreak of cholera at Bushire, which ceased
        by the 19th.
            On Hay 18th cholera was raging at Fao.
            In May a Turkish expeditionary force, collected at Bnssorah, suffered from cholera. It
        took cholera with it to Koweit, whence it spread through and across Arabia as I shall tell
        lower down.
            In June cholera deaths were reported on the 28th as occurring at Lingah.
            Iu July, the last week of, there was a small outburst of cholera at Bushiro.
            In August cholera was bad at Bahrain and amongst the pearl fleet; the disease was said
        to have been brought by the Turkish force before 6pokcn of.
            The cholera brought from Bussorah to Koweit, as above related, in June 1871 spread
         through Eastern Arabia.
            It appeared at Hayel in Northern Arabia in the middle of June. From HayeJ it moved
        southwards to Khaiber and thence to Medina and Mecca, reaching the former in September
         aod the latter in November.
            In August 1871 cholera was severe in Baghdad and iu the Province of Azerbijan in
            1689.—Cholera appeared in the Hye (abmrt the Shafcra) in the last days of July. Before
                                this outbreak nothing was known of cholera having occurred
          Cbokrm entered Persia from B«gV-   . T a- -a-    ..             ,
         dad by Eenssnshabud op U* Ktrwj anywhere nearer tfeua Indta sn&ia the preceding months of
                                             *“• **
         beyond Kbonunsbad or at Ramadan the Turkish Government, by which he was ordered to enquire
         or Kennanihao.         into tbe origin of the epidemic, claims to have discovered that
         occasional cases of cholera had occurred in Bussorah at least four months before the outbreak in
         the Hye.
            ' Atigvtl Oil the first case of, and death from, cholera occurred in Bossorah, and about the
         same date (or before it) at Nazarieh on the Euphrates. By the 12tk August all Bussorah wa^
         affected and the epidemic continued till the 2nd September. The last death from cholera in
         Bussorah was on 13tk September, but occasional cases and an odd death occurred about the date
         gardens and date-packing stations, up to, at least, (he SOU October.
            loth August.—’The first case of, and death from, cholera, occurred at Bushire; this was a
         passenger er steamer Mobile which left Bussorah on the 10th August and arrived at Bushire on
         the morning of the 12th ; she landed 57 passengers, coolies, and the corpse of a m*n who had
         died (of cholera) at sea the night before.
             Five deaths occurred amongst the passengers brought by her, two deaths amongst Bnshire
         people resident in the honses wherein these cases occurred, and one case in,landed
         from the mail steamer Kiluta. Eight deaths in all: the last oocurring on the 23rd August.
         August 18th or thereabouts the Turkish Quarantine Officer at Fao died of cholera, and it ia said
         the epidemic was sharply prevalent there.
             20th August.—About this date cholera appeared at Baghdad.
             24th Augvtt. —The first case and death occurred at Mohammerah on 24th August
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