Page 612 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 612


                            26th Auguit.—On this date, it is paid, the first case and death ocourred at Ahwas,
                            On this date and tho following I hoard 74 and 104 deaths occurred from cholera at Bagh­
                        dad (Lieutenant Marray).
                            29th      First caso occurred on this date at Shnshtor, followed by occasional case*
                        np to 16th September, when the diseoso bccamo severe and continued severe lo 8th or lltti
                        October. My information lb that there were 869 deaths amongst the troops, and 10 in the
                        Governor's household, and nearly 2,000 in the town and surrounding district. Tho Official Bo-
                        ports to Tehran gave the total number at something like 400!! It almost looks as if the Offi­
                        cial Report only took notice of the deaths -mongst employes of the State, and of the Governor,
                        to judge from a comparison of the official, <- >a my private reports.
                           Same date, 29th August, Deyer, Bardis’an, and Tahiri.
                           September.—First week. First cases occurred in Dewitz near Behbahan; in Shah Abdallah
                        and in Hindinn.
                           Tint caM at—
                            llobncomenb, 24tb Aognfct  In (hie tceet or in last week of August, Dizful saffered.
                            Abw&x .  26tb  M
                            EiiuiuUr £0:11   „
                            Dizful,—Lwt d«v» of   September 25th.—First case at Kerman shah continued there
                             Aupust or firtt days   to 20th November (at least).
                             of September.
                           3rd October.—Mnlayar Dear Hatnadan had first case. Outbreak lasted till 3rd or 4th
                        December. About this time Kassr, Sherein, Serpul, and Kerind wore declared free from cholera,
                        but 2 deaths from the disease occurred at Kerind, on the 10th, 6aid to have been pilgrims.
                            loth October.--About this date there were 4 deaths at the village callod Bariki, some 50
                        miles south of Bushire. A native of this village was in Bossorah earlier in the month. On the
                        day on which he left Bussorah, he says, he found in one of the streets a bundle of woman’s cloth­
                        ing, which seemed to him good enough to be worth taking. He took them, was 4 days in
                        a native boat on the journey to Bariki. On his arrival he gave the bundle to his women, and
                        4 days thereafter all four got cholera and died. The inhabitants of the village scattered and
                        no other cases occurred.
                            tCth October.—Cholera appeared in the village near Mnlayar.
                           19th October.—Cholera appeared at Hamadan; only occasional cases occurred up to lltk
                        November when it became sharply epidemic. There was continuous hard frost for over a fort­
                        night from the 22nd October, but this did not stop the epidemic.
                           2olh October.—Cholera bad again at Behbahan; 29 deaths said to have occurred to-day
                        there from cholera.
                           October.—Towards the end of the month cholera was said to be ragtag at Koweit.
                           loth November,—Khorascahad. Cholera said to be diminishing here, but raging ia tbe
                        Tillages round.
                           5th December.—Nahsrwend lost 2 out of 6 cases, and on fibe 6th Seas 3 out of 9 cases.

                                              APPENDIX D TO PART L
                                                    TABLE Bo. 1.
                        Table showing Force and prevailing Directions of Winds and recorded Ra'infmU mi Bnsbicefmr
                                                   the gear 1669-90.
                                                        Pzeczxtaoi or bach pductiph.
                                               s       !              5       i
                                Mara.                  «               i
                                               *>        -     !              I
                                                       ■a J            a I
                                               e S  4          N   a          If
                                               I-      II  i   X I  <2 a  EC iS  i r-
                                                                                 inches. Cents.
                             1889              224  11  47  18  8   6  3   2  10   0     0
                                               186   S  66  •8 10  b   10  8   8   0    It
                              n                269     61  14   7   4  3  • ••  8  0     0
                        Jaly  N                163   6 j 34  22  83  2  3  1  • ••  0    0
   607   608   609   610   611   612   613   614   615   616   617