Page 164 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 164

486                       Records oj Bahrain


                              Thu fifth eftuso of incflioioncy is Autiquatod Mothods of Teaching.

                              Theso tno employod in sorno of tho eubjoota, by somo of tho toaohors, ia
                           soino of tho schools. So inconsistent a stato of allairo oould oxiot only
                           where thoro had boon an almost complcto absonco of supervision of tho
                           touching. Lalor in this Iloport I shall givo a few oxainplos of tho anti­
                           quated mothods that aro boing omployod in tho oohools of Bahrain, aud I
                           .shall doscribo tho modoru mothods which ought to rcplaco thorn.
                              Tho romedy for anliqiiatod mothods of touching is of courso a propor
                           supervision by tho Mufoltish, or Inspcotor. I rocommond that your
                           Highness should order tho now Mufottish, as soon as ho is appointed, to
                           givo his oorly attontion to tho introduction of modorn methods of teaching
                           iuto all tho schools. Constant watchfulno68 by tho Mufottish is cssontial in
                           this uialtor, for it is not to bo oxpeoted that a teachor who has consistently
                           used ccrtaiu methods over a number of years will readily givo thorn up in
                           favour of others with which ho is loss familiar.

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