Page 168 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
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490 Records of Bahrain
more tlwn twice the ago and experience of tho other. Vet Lheso aro soiuo
of Hu- things that lrnvo been happening.
I found that overy singlo Syrian teachor ongnged by tho Education
])cn;ii Iment had bccu allotted either to Manamah or to Muharraq. These
two m liools lrnvo hcen liberally supplied with all that thoy lrnvo asked for,
in the way of books and equipment: tho other livo schools havo rccoivcd
next to nothing, or literally nothing. A. young Syrian at Muharruq
School, aged 24, and teaching only physical drill, is being paid (ivo times
the monthly salary of a Bahraini teacher in tho same school, whoso ago
is fi!j, and who leaches for 30 hours a week in tho classroom. Tho
bcaOuuiKler of llcdd, who has been teaching for 13 years, who has 200
boys on his register, and who is responsible for tho entiro conduct of tho
school, is receiving only SO rupees per mouth in rolurn for his sorviccs to
the Slato. Aud the hcudmaslcr of Rufa’u is recoving only 40.
Thcro is no point in dwolling upon lheso matters, especially as tho
Inspector in question has now resigned his post. L will thereforo simply
sum up by saying that tho utter uogloct of tho village schools has been ouo
of the chief causes of educational inefficiency in Bahrain. Tho romedy, of
course, is a now Inspector, with a sense of justice and an appreciation of tho
true inclining of education, llo is bound bo havo an uphill light, at first, in
bis clfurts lo undo all the harm that has been done to education in tho
villages, hater in this Report I shall make suggestions for tho regenera
tion ol tho village schools; and in that section of it which deals with
control, 1 shall urge your Highness to appoint a now' Inspector without