Page 180 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 180
500 Records of Bahrain
iicvcrenco for tho National Flog. I surest that your Highness
eluniKl ::ivc instructions that tho flag of Bahrain should ho prominently
(JiVpliiyed in all the schools, and that the schoolmasters should mako on
effort Id bring about in tho minds of tho boys a fooling of roveronco
(or it, us a symbol of loyalty, patriotism, and national prido. Tho
best effect from tho display of tho national Hag will ho obtained if at tho
saino timo thoro could bo shown, by moans of coloured oharts, or some
other form of illustration, tho national flags of othor countrios. This will
indued in tho boys’ minds tho fooling that Bahrain, in this respect, is on
an absoluto equality with tho other nations.