Page 184 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 184

jU4                       Records of Bahrain


                              Inferiority Complex. Among the various mothods of fostering patriot­
                            ism listed aliovo is mentioned tho rcmovul from tho schools of any factor
                            likely to load to a feeling of inferiority on tho part of Bahraini?, as
                            opp0*fcd In foreigners. This was included bccauso in tho courso of my
                            visits to the schools I could not fail to notico a number of small but unmis­
                            takable indications of tbo fact that tho Syrian toaohors havo somehow
                            or other managed to establish a most undosirublo ascondancy ovor tho
                            Bahraini teachers. Tho latter were quito ovorehudowed by the formor,
                            and, 1 thought, overawed by them : at all oveuto, tho Bahrainis woro given
                            uo chance, wliilo I was thcro, of expressing thoir viows, or of assorting
                            thcmsclvcB in any way. I do not wish to euy muoh about this matter,
                            except that steps ought to bo takou by tho now Inspector to bring it to an
                            end ns soon us possiblo; for a fooling of inferiority on tho part of tho
                            Babrnini musters cannot fail to comuiunicuto itself to tho Bahraini boys,
                            nud this must uiilitato against tho very thing which wo aro trying to bring
                            about, a consciousness of national pride, which is ouo of the foundations of
                            patriotism. It goes almost without saying that thoro should at tbo very
                            leust bo complete equality botweou Bahraini masters and Syrian masters,
                            and if tho suggestions whioh I am making later in this Report (about hotter
                            pay and further education for tho Bahraini mastors) aro adopted, thoy
                            should go far towards facilitating this fooling of oomploto equality. I
                            suggest that your Highness should direct tho Education l3opartmont to ask
                            tho now Iuspector to keep a vigilant oyo on tho whole matter of Bahraini
                            and Syrian equality in the schools.
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