Page 188 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 188
508 Records of Bahrain
Shoe oi Final Hohool at all. All fcho others finish their education and loavo
gciioui ut the end of throe, (or, at tho moat, four) yoara in tho Second Stago.
Under Ibis schoino, tho total aohool lifo of a really dull or roally
backward boy could not possibly last moro than four years (ago C—10), and
tho school lifo of a not very bright boy could not possibly last moro than
b years (age 0—H). Tho boy of only avorago intolligonco would finish
hia education in nix yours (ago 0—12), sinco ho would got through oach of
tho first two Stages in threo yoars. Tho really bright boys would finish
their education in nino yours (ago 0—15), sinco, although they would ho al
lowed to proceed to tho Final Stage, thoy would got through ouch of tho throo
Stages in three years. And if 15 sooius to bo too tender an age at which
education should finish, it should bo homo in mind that if theso and all the
other suggestions which I am limbing uro adopted, tho future roally bright
Bahrain boy will be much better cduoatod at tho ago of 15 than tho
present really bright Bahrain boy can bo, under tho presont system, at 17
or 18. Furthermore, tho future roally bright Bahrain hoy will bo ablo to
leavo school at the ago of 15 without it boing felt by anyone ooncoruod that
he kns left loo 600U.
Wo innko all First Stago and all Socond Stago education freo
education, and wo requiro that all Final Stago education shall bo paid for,
cither by tho parents, or, in tho oaso of dosorving poor boys, by tho
.Governmont. That is to say, poor boys who show exceptional prom iso at
Ihoend of tbo Second Stago are awarded Governmont scholarships, which
carry them through tho remaining threo yoars of thoir education, at a
Final Stago school.
•* i •
Wo instituto Final Examinations, to bo hold at tho end of caoli yoar,
for all boys who have roaohed tho oud of thoir Stago, and wo issuo Govern
ment certificates to thoso who pass thorn. Wo also issuo Certificates of
Sufficient Education to overy boy who, through final failure in a Final
• Examination, is unable to obtain from tho Government any further
education. This certificate states that there is no objection, ou odneu-
tionnl ground*, to its holder boing omployod immediately. (Such
certificates will bo necessary in viow of tbo agreement with tho Oil
Company, which undertakes not to omploy any sohoolboy who cannot
produco a certificate of sullioiont education).
Wo enlarge all of tho four villago schools, in suoh a way that each one
contains six distinct and 6oparuto classrooms, ouch capable of holding
• comfortably a maximum of 30 boys (though this is really too many for a
uss)» und w° draft into each of the villago sohools properly qualihoa>, capable of taking the boys to the ond of tho Second Stago (Oth
nru r l*118 *n ttQy way possible, wo build headmasters’ houses, adjoining
i 8Chools thcmsolves. If this is not possible, wo requiro
aro 8*i huaslors at leust to reside in tho villages in which their schools
Ibni)) 0 standardise tho toaohing curricula of ali tho sohools of Bahrain, so
exactly nUudurd of tho Socond Stago, Class 5, at Sitra, for oxuraplo, will bo
Mannm..i 8u,tt° aa fchat °* fche oorrosponding Class at, for oxaraplo,
irrARnn/.r1 0r.^?cdd* We use oxactly tho saino books in overy aohool,
toad.;?,?0 0 {ooalifcy. Wo coa60 to pay higher salaries to thoso who
if anv ,r ?w»8°hool8 and lowor salaries to thoso who toaoh in tho country,
whn n ‘^motion is to bo rnado, wo make it in favour of thoso sohoolmasters
to olii.r?/>r?!)arod t° isolate thoiusolvos in tho distant villages, rather than
Wc,m« to tho comforts of tho town.