Page 183 - Records of Bahrain (5) (ii)_Neat
P. 183
The progress of state education, 1939-1941 503
I 2.0
The Wearing of Traditional Clothes. It was a great pleasure to find
timl J5alirain schoolboys still wear the national dress, and that no ono has
so far suggested that this should ho given up in favour of foreign clothes.
The Arab dross, unchanged for many centuries, has bccu found by Ion"
experience to he the most suitablo form of clothing for tho climates in
which the Arabs live, and tho wearing of traditional clothes has always
been one of tho strongest incentives to putriotinui and national prido. Tho
boys of J3abrain should thereforo on no account bo allowed to fall into the
prevailing error of despising thoir ancostral dress, hut should ho taught to
reverence it, to beep it spotlessly clean, and to woar it with dignity, grace,
and pride. I strongly adviso your Ilighnoss to oppose any suggestion that
may be made in favour of discontinuing tho weariug by Bahrain schoolboys
of the traditional clothes.