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               nicnts to the British Government to submit to a certain control as
               regards their maritime proceedings; otherwise they own allegiance to
               none.  The rulers of these little States are commonly described as the
               "Tracial Chiefs” and arc— •
                        1.—Hameyd-bin-Abdallah, Jowasimce, Chief of Ras-el-Khei-
                              rna V.
                       2. —Ah med-bin-Abdallah, Al-bu-Ali, of Umm-el-Kawain.
                        3. —Itashid-bin-IIamcyd, Al-bu-Ali, of Ejman.
                         —Salim-bin-Sultan, Jowasimee, of Shargah.
                        5. —Hashar-bin-Maktoom, Al-bu-Falasah, of Dabai.
                       6. —Zaeed-bin-Klialecfali, Beui-Yas, of Abu-Zhabi.
                   7.  These Chiefs continue to evince their sincere desire and readi­
               ness to adhere to their engagements, aud no disturbances have occurred
               on the seas.
                   8.  Inland, however, where British influence canuot be authorita­
               tively exerted to restrain their warlike propensities, these are freely
               indulged, as the following record of the past year's petty warfare
               will show.
                   .1 [ay 1S77.—One hundred camel-riders and fifty horsemen of the
               El-Monasir and Beni-Hajir raid on a village named Zaeod, plunder it and
               kill three men. The Moiiasir plunder another village.
                   •July.—Beni-Amir tribe attack Dabai, are repulsed with loss of forty
               killed and eight captured, Dabai losing two killed and ten wounded.
                   Align'd.—The Beni-Katab, seventy strong, attack the Beni-Yas, kill
               four men and capture twenty beasts.
                   September.— Beui-Katab attack a village near Abu-Zhabi, and kill
               four men. Beni-Yas of Dabai attack and plunder a Bcni-Katab village.
                   October.—Four hundred of the Awamir and Daroowa, and Beni-
               Katab attack and plunder a Dubai village. Beni-Yas of Abu-Zbabi
               attack and loot a Beni-Katab village, carrying off 100 camels and 3,U00
               bead of cattle. Beni-Katab attack Dibha (under Shargab) kill seven
               men, and seize twenty camels.
                   November.—Dabai people plunder a Beni-Katab village.
                   December.—Beni-Yas of Dabai attack the people of Ghufla and
               seize camels of the Beni-Katab. Beni-Katab retaliate and lose two men
                   February 1878.—Eighty men of the Beni-Katab raiding towards
               Dabai, kill 6even Beloocbees of eight met.
                   9.  In February all parties having become weary of strife, a general
               peace was arranged, which still continues.
                   10.  In the Report for the preceding year reference was made to the
               trouble caused by the detached settlement of a body of the Beni-Yas
               tribe at the inlet of Odcyd. The scceders from Abu-Zhabi renounced
               allegiauce to the head of their tribe, and defied his authority. The
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