P. 370
23. IJydcr Khan, Chief of Dashtec, who has frequently been a
source of annoyance to the authorities, declined to come in to tho catnn
of the Ihtisham-ed-Dowlah at Bushiro, but decided to proceed to
Shiraz under assurances of pardon for past shortcomings. Ilis brother
Mohammed Khan, presented himself before the llitTsham-ed-Dowlah’
and imposed to supersede Ilvder Khan. The latter has since died'at
Shiraz, an event which has given rise to what may be considered
unfounded, though not unusual supicions.*
23. Coatt from Bush ire to Ling ah.—The Shaikh of Congoon,
Mazkuor Khan, was taken to Shiraz as prisoner, and his districts made
over to one Mohammed Ilassau Khan; but the latter was detected in
treasonable practises, and after administration of the usual course of
sticks, or bastiuiulo, was sent to Shiraz a prisoner, “ eneourager les
21. Shaikh Muzkoor has now been reinstated as Governor of
Congoon, on payment of 100,000 Krails. He has since paid up a long
standing1 claim for indemnity due to some Indian subjects who were
wrecked on his coast.
25. Lingak.—The youthful Shaikh of Lingah, an Arab by descent,
has no bed of roses, as the central authorities interfere more directly
than of yore, and financial pressure is likely to check the prosperity the
port acquired under the more liberal aneieut system, when the Shaikhs
were mure independent of control. The revenues were let to the
AVazcer, Mohammed Ilassan Khan, at an enhanced rate, but that in
dividual found the people prepared to lly the place, and was glad to
sub-let to the Chief, Shaikh Ali-bin-Khaleefah, at a loss, liven the
reduced rate proved impracticable, and the Shaikh’s Wazccr became the
scape-goat, ami was exiled with the loss of his private means.
20. Biunter Abbas*.—The Government of this port and its
attached districts, including the islands of Kishm, Ormuz, Larch,
and Ileujam, and the coast as far as Ja»hk, has been farmed by the
“ Na&sccr-ul-Muolk,” who administers through a Deputy Governor.
This Government, as well as that of Lingah, is subordinate to the
central Government of Furs. The Foreign OUice Agent, Mirza
Abdallah, has lately returned to his post from Shiraz. The Shaikh of
Kishm, Shaikh Sakar, has not given further trouble, as regards British
interests, but the inhabitants of Kislim charged him with habitual
oppression, and an investigation was ordered by the Prince Governor-
General of Pars, which resulted in a decision favourable to the Shaikh,
which is said, however, to have been an expensive purchase. Shaikh
Sakar is not likely to rule long over Kishm, as he is in an advanced
stage of consumption, aud recently went to Muscat for treatment.
27. A few years ago a Hindoo trader of Bunder Abbas*
absconded to Kerman, where he embraced the Mohammedan religion*
Ihe man having defrauded bis partners and other ludian traders of a
Notb. —A common Persian euphemism implies popular ascription to the ruling
dynasty, at some time of addictiou to practical application of toxicological Science.
The draught prepared for the philosopher of Athcus would, in the bazaar* of Shirax,
be delicate!) termed “ Slwrbad*Hajari” MKajar, broth.**