P. 373

and muscat political aoency for the year 1877-78.     0
                                  Appondix A to Part L
                        Remarks on Ihc climate of Busk ire, and Tables*

                 From the 1st of the following tables it may be seen, by any carious
             for information, that the north-westerly winds greatly predominate at
             Bush ire, and that there is a free movemeut of the air throughout the
             year. By this merciful dispensation are the sufferings of summer
             residents tempered, and existence rendered possible. In Juno and July,
             when the heat has become unendurable, it is interrupted by the advent
             of what is termed the " Barih ” or " Shcmal,” vulgarly corrupted iuto
             " Burra S hemal.” This wind is apparently, and according to Arab works,
             the Simoom of the Arabian continent, which blowing here over the
             upper part of the Gulf loses its scorching heat. The " Barih” lasts
             usually from some time in June till well on iu July, with an interval
             of lull. This wind is apparently influenced by the Indian monsoon.
                 The observations of the barometer are not given, as thg record
             could not be relied on.
                 It must be noted that the rainfall of the past year is estimated
             from a new instrument, the relative capacity of the receiver of which
             to the measure is different from that of the gauge used in previous

                                Appendix A, Table No. 1.
             Table showing force and pretailing directions of winds and recorded
                          rainfall at Busk ire for the gear 1877-78.


                                   3          1'errviitagr of evb direction.
                                    I      .c
                     Moitb.         2                               m
                                    o                      ii            a
                                            o       «
                                                   ; *     ' 2      £    3
                                   •3 8  5         I M     ’ 3  W   U    I
                                   p    5   tl i -I     I •¥ 3           3
            April                   21ft  13  V>  it  3  8   ft  s   s
            &       :::             t'.l  11  43  33  11             !
                                    2*1  13  45  S3  11  6       1   1
            July                    £»8  10  2ft  3ft  15  8  !      4
            Aiiinjut                     10  35  42  e   s;          t
            September               157  16  10  62  6   t:      3   t
            <Mnbcr   ... *          130  22  8  34   18      ft  «   8
            Nnrtnibcr               121  H  1ft  17  3           13  10  73ft
            Uvcmbcr                 224  13  29      ft  " * I 16  13  a  33ft
            Jaunmry                 243  6  44   3       S   4   «   21  21S
            February                233  11  64  ft  4       12  2   13  213
            March                   342  3  66   3       6   ft  2   It   3ft
                                                                       la. Cta.
                 For ihc year ...   232  IS  3ft  23  7  3   7   4      lft U
              • The rainfall la c'flraatrd according to a Sjmm’a rain gang* lately rccclrrd from the Meteorological
            Departtutai, Calcutta. The gang* previously uni give* a Icaa quantity iu the ratio of about 3 lo ft.—K. C. B,
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