P. 371

               large sum, his surrender to British authority became necessary, but
               for long the Kerman authorities evaded compliance, and the case caused
               much trouble to the British Legation. Eventually the firm insistanco
               of Her Majesty's Minister prevailed, and the convert was made over
               to the Acting Resident, tried, and sentenced to a term of imprisonment.
                   28.  Pcrsian-Baloochistan Coast.—The eastern boundary of Persia
               having, at a recent time, been formally defined, under special agree­
               ment between the British and Persian Governments, there is now no
               reserve   requisite in indicating the actual Persian territories iu that
               direction.  From Cape Jashk eastwards to Gwetter Bay the whole
               coast is now under Persian subjection, but the districts are not
               directly administered by Persian officials, but left in the hands of the
               petty Balooch Chiefs. The jurisdiction of the Government of Fare
               extends to Jashk, and there terminates. Persian-Baloochistan forms
               part of the Government of Kerman, and is more immediately under
               the Governor of Bampoor, now, once more, in the hands of the
               irrepressible Ibrahim Khan.
                   29.  By the Notifications of the Government of India noted in the
                Notifications Nos. 1273P. and margin, the Political Resident in the
               12821*., dated 13th June 1873.  Persian Gulf was invested with Magis­
               terial powers in this portion of the territory of Persia. During the
                Government of India Utter No. past year it was decided by the Govern­
               12*8?., dated 30th May 1877.  ment that the Political officer stationed
               iu Mekran should, as regards this region, be au Assistant to the
                   30. This station has remained under the superintendence of Assist­
               ant Surgeon Abder Rahim hakim. The health has been generally good,
               and no matters have occurred requiring notice.
                   31.  Political.—Lieutenant-Colonel Pridcaux, the Officiating Poli­
               tical Resident, having proceeded on furlough in August, Major Grant,
               1st Assistant, was appointed to act, and  was  relieved in November by
               Lieutenant-Colpnel Ross.
                   Mr* J* C. Edwards proceeded on six months' private leave in April
               and rejoined in November.
                   Captain E. A. Fraser officiated from May to Augustas 2nd Assistant.
                   Major Grant was transferred to India in March, and has been
               succeeded by Captain E. L. Durand.
                   Mr. G. Lucas officiated as 2nd Assistant from May to November.
                   Medical,—Surgeon D. R. Ross succeeded Surgeon Lucas as Civil
               Surgeon of Bushire.
                   32.  Naval,—Her Majesty's Ships Rifleman, Teaser, Arab, and
               Oaphne have served on the station during the past year, chiefly at
              Muscat and Bus rah.                                        *
                   33.  The ordinary Residency steamer having been withdrawn, at
              the request of the Officiating Resident, the I. G. Steamer Lalhoutie was
              stationed in the Gulf from May to August, when that vessel was with-
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