Page 281 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 281
An entirely new approach was made in Basrah during1 the sum*
mcr months in the organization of a Daily Vacation Bible School *
which reached a class of children hitherto untouched by any mode :s
of work. We quote Mrs. Van Ess: “The Daily Vacation Bible
School which was held for a month this summer was a joint educa* 'i
tional and evangelistic enterprise. Dr. Van Ess, Muallim Jalil and ,-i
I conducted it for two and a half hours daily, live days a week,
using the new school building. We limited the membership Iq-'\
Moslem boys who had never been in any school whatever, as we
wished to benefit the entirely unpriviledged class. Fifty boys were
enrolled and most of them came for a good proportion of the time.
The average attendance was twenty, but the absentees were never ..
the same from day to day. Our program began with a very
thorough wash-up at the water tap outside the boarding school j
kitchen, after which the boys marched into the assembly r<jprn, and J
Dr. Van Ess gave them the ‘Health and Habit talks. The la«t
two weeks he illustrated the health talks by use of the physiology I
charts from the new school laboratory and the boys showed a keen i
and intelligent interest in them. After this came singing; they p
learned some hymns, and a few simple motion songs. Ho you know 3
how does the farmer?’ and ‘Crossing the Bridge were le inou •
popular. The Bible lesson came next. Dr. Van Ess told a Bible ;
story, two weeks from the Old Testament and two wee's rom the ,
life of Christ. This period often included dramatization, and the ]
Children of Israel crossing the Red Sea, the Good Samaritan, tb, ,
Lost Sheep, and David and Goliath, were acted out with great spmj |
and <*111 lui.siasni and vivid local color. I hen Mualln glVf 1
lhen a period of brisk gymnastics, or, ch.iosmg,11.0 lalltf J
with a view to developing a spirit of teamwork. . t,y ikt fl
they were divided into two groups and alternate ? !* ■
Jalil and me for Simple Arabic and Handwork lhe andwok* 9
eluded cutting colored paper and making chains c°'°rmg Jjictur^ I
freehand drawing and coloring—often fear u iHustntinir BILL "
£“,*1, g« Smto a saba.aa.ini I
Oil that day.
"The whole experience was a most interesting and satisfactory
demonstrated the feasibility of using this method to tour*
one, and ordinarily reached by our
a class of children who arc not
Touring and itinerating has been carried on as far as possiblcw
our entire field from Amarah in the north to the environs of Mu**
hi the south. Mr. and Mrs. Dykstra made a last tour in the Milu^
Stewart” in the river country just before their departure on .
lough. Our colporteur in Nasariych made a tour along the: Hai
l igris and returned to the station by way of the Euphrates m*,J