Page 285 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 285


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                                     PERSONALIA                                          r'
             Iii response to the request of the United Mission in Mesopotamia, •
           and of the Joint Committee, Dr. James Cantine is returning to Vkj
           Mesopotamia in the fall of this year. He will spend several year*
           in Mr.siipnlamia miTliug llu: emergency ucciihioiietl by furlough*,
              The Rev. and Mrs. I). Dykalrn. the Misses Ruth and Ruclwl^

           Jackson and Miss Cornelia Dalenberg expect to return to Arabia • A-
           after their furloughs in this country, sailing in August and Sep- ,|r

              The Rev. E. E. Calverley, Ph.D.. has been appointed a delegate ^
            to the Meeting of the International Missionary Council at Jerusalem. Jg.

           "March 24 to April 11, 1928.
              The Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D., has completed his visit in India 7^
                                                       has been appointed a delegate
            and has returned to Cairo. He also
                                                    Missionary Council at Jerusalem      *
            to the Meeting of the International
            this spring.                                                                 a
               Dr. M. N. Tiffany is reported to have arrived in Basrah February :
                       She will reside in Kuwait during her period of language
            2, 1928.
            study.                                                                       J
               The Rev. an<l Mrs. Garrett E. De Jonff.-M*8 S'v^anUna                     |
             Dr. and Mrs. W. Harold Storm are resitm g
             period of language study.
                                             . r Dr McDowell, the senior, )
               Mrs. E. W. McDowell, the wife ol V ■                ^ •„ Mo>sui u(ler •
             lnciuhcr of the United Mission m M^'1' ^ ^cDowell, after forty
             a prolonged illness, December 13.        - •     * opotainia. will retire. ]
             years of missionary service in 1 erM‘l ,l
             in 192S.
                                                             er a senior in the Thco* *j
                Mr. and Mrs. John S. Badeau, the °^been appointed member*
             logical Seminary at New Brunswic ',  *             -|1 proceed to the licM
             of the United Mission in Mesopotamia .
              this fall.

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