Page 289 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 289


                     12                        NEGLECTED . I KAMA

                    Tlinv lire M’wral gnvcnimtml acluml*, mid in (d diis Imv^ • miliuuo
                     In uhL UH for u hcIiooI. Why hIuhiUI ilu-y persial in Nicmc miuc.sla? 1
                     think ihey rccugiii/.e lluit we have something of the best lo K,vc them j
                     which ihev cannot obtain elsewhere. 1 he wealthy and influential sheikha «
                     in the country far and near keep asking us to take their boys and train* i
                     them for them. To all such we have thus far answered that there are no
                     funds to undertake the task. Why should we be obliged to answer thus?; 1
                     Are you satisfied to let this opportunity pass?                                 \
                       This field has long been an important centre of our Mission for evan-
                     gelistic touring and preaching. Basrah used to be the station responsible 1
                     for this work as well as for the work of the same nature in its own •;
                     surroundings and southward. A Bible Depot and a Reading Room have :
                     long been maintained in Amarah and in Nasiriyeh (Ur of the Chaldees), :
                     Afterwards a missionary was sent to live in Amarali but was again with,
                     drawn because of lack of men and funds. Later we had the same ex--
                      perience in Nasiriyeh which now is supported as an outstation. At pres- >:*
                      ent a missionary lives in Amarah and with the medical missionaries is  ••i
                      responsible for this large territory. As a matter of fact this field has
                      never been properly worked, but at present we have a smaller staff than * ^
                      that of years ago for this extensive work. I remember when we had
                      four helpers to man the two Bible Depots and Reading Rooms and to ^
                      travel up and down the rivers and highways and visit the many towns,
                      whereas now we have not sufficient funds to pay all the expenses of
                      salaries and rents to maintain the two Reading Rooms; and we have the
                      paltry sum of about sixty dollars for a whole year to use for travel and t:
                      expenses in the district. Even if we were to close up shop in the station
                      and outstation and take the present helpers out upon this work this sum '
                       would pay for only a few weeks' travel. The roads and highway* J
                       throughout this large field, to and from the larger towns, and pmwjnfl i
                       lintiiim.Ii the Mnuller lowiih, are iiuTciihiug in number mid Improving $
                       the time; the transportation on the rivers also is much more comfortable *
                       and efficient than in the past. When 1 visited in the outstation last month
                       numbers of young men asked me why I could not remain longer and
                       why 1 could not come oftener. I have had letters from other town*
                       inquiring about literature and asking for the way to Christ. We
                       to have inexpensive, simple, rented rooms in all of these larger
                       to serve as advertisements while we are absent elsewhere and
                                                                                          as head*
                       quarters for Bible and Christian Literature distribution when the    heljjcri
                       or missionaries in their continuous travels live there for     a longer <*
                       shorter period of time.
                         I find that I have only written of the work that has for many Vear,
                       been planned hut has never been achieved. I have not attempted .
                       describe in detail what might have been and what might he now if u °
                       things were undertaken as they should he, nor have I really "chan&r
                       any new work. Every missionary has his plans for new things and iT
                       not think you can picture sufficiently his disappointment when at tlw •
                       end of the year he is obliged to report that he has not been able even t! •
                       trv out these plans. How many more years most pass before you -2
                       really enable us to cover this field and to bring the Gospel to the ***
                       as Christ commanded—even to all?                                      l**>tk
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