Page 293 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 293

                                                   AT KUWAIT

                  docs not find among us at present; it will provide also a center of infor­
                  mal evangelistic work, with stereopticon, lecture, library, reading and "
                  club room facilities. Some, but not all, of these activities are carried qq
                  at present with our inadequate accommodations, but they will flouruh :<
                  when our new building is provided. It will be a building in daily uk, *
                  performing a constant service in the evangelization of Kuwait. It will j
                  be a worthy work of the Reformed Church in its new century of worship ;
                  of God and service of man.
                     Another need of Kuwait station is a home for the single ladies who art ;
                  needed to take advantage of the medical and evangelistic opportunism
                  among the women of Kuwait. A comfortable home under the permano*
                  control of the Mission should be provided by our small but noble Church* ;
                  A rented house, built with Arab ideas of what will do, offers little co» %
                  eouragement to add those conveniences that make a house a home worthy
                  of the ladies who give themselves to the service of their Lord and of tht
                  Church they represent.
                     Such a home for the unmarried ladies of our Mission will be an cfe 1
                  ■ Mirnl irMimnny lo (hr Arnlm (lull llu* Christian system of life duel on J
                  make it necessary for a woman to be married in order to be supported.;'
                  Arabia needs to know that women should be free to express their per* ’
                  sonalities in independent careers if they so desire and the careen c4 t
                  service which our single ladies have chosen plead for the freedom
                  women in the most attractive, convincing and ennobling manner.              I
                     A third need of Kuwait which the Tercentenary celebration may i» 1
                  spire the Reformed Church to provide is a school building. At proem 1
                  the Mission has two small rooms of a rented building which also accom* ■
                  modates a colporteur’s family and provides a place for our Sunday a/u»* .;
                   noon evangelistic service for Moslems. The Mission is certainly           9
                   its money’s worth in renting that building. But the school has outgro«t 9
                   its rooms. Something will have to be done if we are to take advaai^i 9

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