Page 297 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 297

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                      Since the issue of the last Neglected Arabia, Rev. E. E. Calverley •
                                                                                                    . «
                    has fulfilled his appointment by attending, as a representative of the
                    Near East, the Meeting of the International Missionary Council at Jeru* ,:;
                    salem during the fortnight covering the Easter season.

                       Rev. S. M. Zwemer also attended the Jerusalem Council Meeting as Vi!
                    a representative of the area of Northern Africa.                             * * ’•

                                                                                                   !■> j
                       Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea arrived in New York on their furlough
                    June 4th. After attending some of the sessions of General Synod they 3"
                     pmnvdcd wcMwill’d ami will Mpcml (lie Hummer willi rclalinth in Scald*/

                       Rev. and Mrs. B. D. Hakken arrived on their furlough May’ 28thV^
                     They are spending their summer in Holland, Michigan.

                       Miss Charlotte B. Kellien, who is returning to this country on fur*
                     lough, is spending some time in Europe with her sister.

                        The following sailing dates have l>een fixed tor those who      are  going
                     to the field this fall:

                        Dr. James Cantine and Rev. and Mrs. John S. Badeau—August 25th,

                     by the American Export Line, New York to Beirut.

                        The Misses Ruth and Rachel Jackson and Miss Cornelia Dalenberg—
                     August 16th, American Merchant Line.

                        Rev. and Mrs. I). Dykstra—September 25th, American
                                                                                    Export Line
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