Page 295 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 295

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                                    NEGLECTED ARABIA                                  IS

           of the opportunities we have. Atlhough there are other and larger
           .ctiools in Kuwait, none is doing more to equip the boys for their future.
           Christian education is highly valued by the Reformed Church. Our
           Church leaders and fathers have provided for our own youth. Should
           we not show those in Arabia towards whom we have assumed a respon-
           ability'that we value Christian education highly? A Luilding designed                    r
           and erected for school purposes, simply but suitably equipped, with desks
           and chairs, cabinets, and library, wall charts and pictures, would in
       i iuelf be a model to teach the Moslems of Kuwait that modem life re-
           tjuirci tt modern education which can best he given with modem equip-                   • i
        '.ba mnt.. If Cliriutiiumy la to have the honor of giving the youth of Kuwait              'I
           tl«ir belt preparation for life, it ta the rcapomibility of our Misaion and
       [ V our Church to provide a better school in a suitable school building                     4
             Thcsc a,re s°me         definite needs of Kuwait. The Station shares
           the general needs of the Mission for increased support of its medical and               •• i
           evangelistic work. All that the Tercentenary celebration inspires the
         * Church to undertake for the extension of the Kingdom of God in our
           mission fidds will be felt in Kuwait. It is hoped that the needs of                      /
           Kuwait will inspire the Church to make the Tercentenary celebration                      /
          . cncan much to the Kingdom of God.
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                                   Tilt: CITY WALL. KUWAIT

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