Page 283 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (3)_Neat
P. 283

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                               NEGLECTED ARABIA                                15

        Mr. Uilkcrt writes, “Abul Khasib and Zobeir were each visited
     iwicc during the year. Also a longer trip was made with the launch
     Including Abadan, Mohammerah, Fao and the more prominent
     tillages between Fao and Basrah. The real pleasure of the trip was
   "1 the stop of nearly two days at Abadan where there.are two pro-
      fcjsing Christians. They are both former schoolboys and were
      [or some time under instruction in the Gospel by Mr. Moerdyk. 1
      was delighted to give them some encouragement and to speak to
      ihcm and a number of their friends in the quarters of one of them.
      Here we were also hailed before the police but were only briefly
      questioned.   We left a Persian Testament with the police commis-
      ioucr which we hope may have done him good.                   4
        The weekly village tours in Bahrain have already been mentioned.
        Dr. Harrison writes of the Damam-Kateef trip, We took the
      Ford with us so that we could divide our time between Demam an
      Katcef. Miss Dalenberg treated- the women and Mrs. Harrison i
      evangelistic work among them. Not so much surgical work was                            i •
      done on this trip as usual, but as a means for breaking down preju­
      dice it was outstanding.”
   1    And of the trip to Matrah he says, “The demand for medical and
       mrgical work was tremendous and there was very little time ava^                       .i
       tble for any evangelistic work or even for visiting. We ma e ma y
       friends however and came back with renewed conviction t a               „
       the Mission's greatest opportunities lies in that neglecte i
   . Mr. Van Peursem describes his tours: “We were able to make
       two tours, one to Eety, southeast of Muscat, and one to «               .             .
       thirty-nix miles west. Mrs, Van Pcuritcm was with me In Ecty am
       through her medical work drew large crowds to our house in jc
       Jurtiioons. She treated large numbers and performed some y                            • .
       tperatious. In the evenings we entertained the people wit a i g
       hatern. In addition to curing people’s ills, this tour was v
       m making many friends.                                               , n              i >
         “In Berka we were entertained by Seyyid Shahaab, the on y u
       brother of the Sultan of Muscat. He gave us entire re
       dnpense medicines and to distribute books and tracts. ^ n               .
       tings he came to see the pictures and brought with him
       (ludge) and the Wali (Governor), two very orthodoxMosle ^
       Our medicines brought us throngs of people in the                 books             • .
       that we were never alone. The colporteur had charge                 Thc
       »d read from the Gospels every time we had a fres ... '
       .due of repeating’ the same message was again dearly i>l‘ustr®                         t
        Two former patients of Dr. Dame appeared on the • „
        «re proud to exhibit their musical ability by singiff adm|rI|{,^
        D»y.‘ the hymn they learned in Seeb two years * g »             t these
       cuwd. Little did we think two years ago that                n we taught             ; •
        •co again, much less expect them to remember tn y Qt force
        *«>• But one never knows. One thing is sui . are thrown
        i)k Kingdom. When we have done what we > , hones, and
        Wk upon God who brought life in the valley ol / Life
        *o« His Son, Who Himself is the Resurrection and the l

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