Page 185 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 185
Wednesday [23 March]
Took the Gunters up to see the Palace & the Garden & then called on Yusuf Kanoo who goes tomorrow to India. Stayed two
hours, he never stopped talking for one moment, slightly less boastful then usual in fact only twice talked about his money
and about the Rs 20,000 which he had wisely used for some minor for whom he was guardian. Talked much about Daly's
misdeeds & showed a peculiar knowledge of various things in the Agency confidential files. Showed me some nasty Xray
photos of his kidneys which he pressed me to take home with me! He said that people down the Gulf were saying that the
British had absolutely taken possession of Bahrain, & not untrue either! but after all it is a Protectorate. He spoke of the
various intrigues about the oil concession & said that he knew things that would cause big scandal if he wrote them to the
Times! meaning Daly's action in the matters. Took a Case in afternoon, a claim by some Bahrainis that some of the Gardens
owned by the Dawasir, & now being returned to them, are "wakf", dedicated property. Evidently they were, but 60 years
ago the Khalifa Shaikhs took them, & then sold them to the Dawasir. The Bahrainis rented them but as they considered it
haran they paid s omething every year to the Mosque to which the gardens were dedicated. Interesting case. Heard & cross
examined about 12 men.
Thursday 24th [March]