Page 190 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 190
morning of what they thought was the last day of the fast they were all muddly, fasting when suddenly streams of cars came
up with all the principal personages coming to call, the Eid having been put a day sooner.
Went to the Garden in the afternoon & then people to tea & Bridge.
Friday 1st April
Went down bazaar in the morning. Bought a very nice brass covered chest, Rs 16/- & a lustre vase, slightly cracked, for Rs 1/-
. Altogether a most successful morning. Rather hot & crowds of people in the bazaar buying their new clothes for the Eid.
Called on de G but he was out. Took de Grenier out to tea at Ali we had tea inside one of the opened tombs, it is going off
out there, much more dried up. Did a couple of rough, poor, sketches. Dined at the Harrisons, quite a good dinner. The
Lady Doctor was also there. H is really interesting to talk to.
Saturday [2 April]