Page 193 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 193



        on him.  Had a most pleasant interesting visit, he is one of the leading pearl merchants, rather dark with a touch of negro
        blood but a fine well mannered dignified man, & always so spotlessly clean.  Excellent coffee & tea & little biscuits &
        chocolates.  The Agency clerk, a nasty looking Persian, was there when I arrived but seemed scared & soon fled.  Later
        Koseibi & some others came in, he is Bin Saoud's agent here, & we had a most interesting talk about cotton, the idea of a
        bridge over to Muharraq, & new road etc etc.  He is one of the most intelligent men here & a good talker.  Stayed for nearly
        two hours & then looked in at the Mission for tea.  A queer cloudy day with a few drops of rain.  A German boat in.

        Tuesday 5th April

        The Shaikh sent his launch but earlier than I expected so drove round to the Fort to get Parke & the Superintendent, Sultan
        Ahmed the Indian officer who I got at Jhelum.  Went across to Muharraq; met by various officials, the Amir & others & then
        went up to Shaikh Isa's taking with us Haji Seggar my old Arab Head Clerk.  Isa was less difficult than I have ever found him.
        He was as usual alone in his little Meglis, a small upper room above the street in which crowds of negros were dancing with
        swords & guns & beating drums.  A line of chairs along both sides of the room, he on one side & we opposite to him.  He
        looked a lot older than when I called last year, of course the fast must be very trying for an old man of over 80, but he still
        enjoys hunting & rides with the silugis after hare on a donkey.  I had brought him some telegrams from the wireless,
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