Page 188 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 188
Monday 28th [March]
Took cases in the morning. Shaikh Mohamed came in with a case against one of his tenants, a miserable old man who
owed him Rs 4000 & certainly couldnt pay. We put him into jug on the chance of the money being forthcoming. Sh
Mohamed is a mean little man, more like a shopkeeper than a Shaikh, he has no style or manner but much conceit and
much meanness. Tennis at Agency after tea as the Hakkens put off theirs as she was not well. The Pennings & Parke came
to dinner - a deadly dull affair, the Ps are extremely heavy on the hand. She looks like a typical German governess & he is
rather queer & exceedingly ill mannered. Their table manners are not usual. Really very bored by the meal. We always have
joints nowadays, cheaper & much nicer.
Wednesday [30 March]