Page 16 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 16
The war with Qatar, 1868
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forfeited his claim to tlio principal Ohicflainsliip of Bahrein; that if I had
oornc Amply for tho purpose of vengeance, I could carry it into offect, and that
justico would be on my sido; but that, if the real objects of tho British
Government vrero tho protection of pcnccablo mon and tho prosperity of tho
Arab coast, they, tho Shaikhs of Bahrein, would suggest an nrraugemeut
uuder which all demunds and interests could bo satisfied. Accordingly, after
a consultation of two days, Shaikh Ali and his co-Slmikhs
ApjnaAU 3.
returned ou board and handed mo the subjoined solemn decla
ration, which was acknowledged aud witnessed in tho prcscnco of Captain
Brown and myself:—
Wo tlfc undorsigued, Ali bin Klinlifolt and tho inhabitants and subjects of Dnhrcin in
general, do heroby dvolaro that Mahomed bin Klialifch having repeatedly committed acts of
piracy and other irrcgulurilici at sen, and having now, after liia recent piratical act, tied 1'roin
Bahrein, has forfeited nil oloiins to his title as principal,Shaikh and Chief of Bahrein, and at
tho present moment thoru being no oilier Shaikh, I, Ali bin Klialifch, received Resident's
loiter addressed to Mahomed bin Kbulifeh, and linvo understood the dciuunds llicrciu made,
and I hereby ugreo aud accopt tho conditions ns follows
li/.—To mnke over to-morrow morning, 10th Jcmndi-ool-awul 1285 (7th September
1808), to tho high in rank, Cnptuin llrown, Commanding Her Majesty's ships prcscut, ull tho
war buglulis and bultools belonging to Mahomed bin Kbalifoh aud myself.
2nd.—1To pay tbo Resident Ibo sum of ouo lakh of dollars in tho mouacr epcciGed
below j—
25.000 Dollars cash, payable on tbo spot ou tbo 7lh September 1808.
75.000 Dollars by three annual instalments of 25,000 Dollnrs cacli instalment, being
payable on the 7th September of eaoh successive year uulil tho tolul sum is paid up.
3rd.—To consider Mahomed biji Khaliloh ns permanently excluded from oil participation
in tho affairs of Bahrein, and ns having no claim In that territory; nml in cuio of his relum
ing to Bahrein, I promise to scizo him and make him over to tho Kciidcul. But if I do not
net up to the slipululious uow agreed, I may be considered u pirulu, us Muhoincd bin Khalifeh
4th.—In view of preserving tho pcaco ut sen, and precluding tho occurrcnco of further
disturbance, and in order to keep tbo Ucsidcut informed of wbnt buppens, I promiso to appoint
an Agent on my pul nt Bushire.‘
JVritten on the 18Ik of Jemadiool-auul 1285, UM September 18G8.
Agreed to in our prosenoo by Shaikh Ali bin Kbalifoh aud sevon olhor Shaikhs and
depondauls of Bahrein, whoso soals are hereto oRixed ou tho Oils September 1808.
(Sd.) Lxwis, Lieut.-Col.,
11. B. M.'t Boltl.Ucidl., Bertian Gulf,
(Sd.) R. A. Brown, Copt.,
Conulg. U. I/.'j Ship » Vigilant."
13. Tho proposed arrangement appeared to Captain Brown and myself
to bo one which His Exccllcucy the Governor in Council would cutirely
approve. It ia truo that it providos for the demand of u hundred thousand
dollars being paid in four annual instalments, hut availing myself of tho
P»"mph a of ()oT«rnm«nt ’uu«r discretionary powers with which Government had
Ho. 1703, of 23rd j«iy isos. invested me, I’considcr that to compel immediate
Qod full poyrngnt would involvo incrooscd money pressuro on tho inhabitants,
®nd that oxtra taxation on the part of a ncwly-selccted llulcr would tend to
discontent. Tho object was to fulfil tho demands of Government without wenk-
caing tho Ohief, whom we looked to'for future pcaco and prosperity. With
jhis view I conecutod to rcccivo on the spot one-fourth of tho full demand
(a hundred thousand kraus) ns u first instalment, and allowed a portion of
J’ *0 amount to ho paid in hills ou a substantial pearl merchant known tc mo
Bushlrc; thus, to the heat of my ability, relioving tho pcoplo of Bahrein