Page 20 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 20
The war with Qatar, 1868 11
( 7 )
couduclcd with prudcnco ond moderation, nnd with ft careful .endeavour to
icouro future pence and progress without resorting to presont force. I cannot
too sincorely thank Oaptnin Ralph 11. A. J3rown, Commanding Her Majesty’s
Sl)ip Vigilant, for his most cordial and ublo co-oporution. The exposure and
oxortions sustained by liis First Liuufonnnt, John Hugh Bainbridge, in com
mand of tho boats, and by Mr. Frederick, Full Acting.Gunner on board
Vigilant, carno prominently under my notice.
32. Appended is n copy of a letter of thanks which 1 Iioyo addressed to
Captain Brown, aud to which X would respectfully solicit the attention of liis
Excellency in Couuoil.
33. Government will romnrk that in assenting to restoration of some,
nnd to the burning of othors, of tho war crafts,
Tbr* war °r»fU barot at Dabrala.
Thr«« raitorad al Dalirala. Captnin Brown forewent what would otherwise
Oat oomlatnutd lo bo barot at hnvo become prize; and it seems my duty to bring
this circumstunco under the uolico of Her Majesty’s
Indian Government.
3'!>. From Aboothabcc we towed the ships along tho lino of ports on tho
pirate coast. The Chiefs of Shargnh and Bebai came on bourd, and as the
former bad been frequently reported troublesome nnd guilty of minor breaches
of the peace, I explained to him what we had done at Buhreiu, and gavo him
n solemn and polito warning. I recommended him also to wnko over to our
Nalivo Agent, lor restoration to its owuer, a maro plundered from Gutlar and
givuu by tho Buhreiu Chief to him of Shargah. This he promised forthwith
to do.
35. At Sharguh our vessels dispersed ; Hugh llosp couvcyed tho Muscat
Minister, Ilnjce Ahuied, to Bunder Abbass, where lie is about to arrange the
administration of that district. Hojoo Ahmed has now been nt my side during
many months, whether at Shiraz or on tho Arab coast, and it is due to him to
record the temper and tact lie has shown, and tlie readiness with which lie has
aided mo at any hour of tho day or night. I think it possible that His Excel
lency in Council might judge lit to notice to tho Sultan of Muscat tho effi
ciency and fidelity with which the Ministor has acted for liis Highness.
30. From Shargah tho Itosidoncy Steamer Sind crossed over to Lingnli
in view to catching tho mail steamer to Bushire. She conveyed Dr. A. N.
Hojel, tho Residency Surgeon, who on the present as on many previous
occasions, lias ovor bccu ready to assist in any manner. Cnptuin ‘Westbroke,
Commanding Sind, has also affordod me most willing aud useful aid.
37. From Shargah I proocodcd iu Vigilant to Mussendom station, whence
I submitted a telegraphic report to Bombay nnd Simla. The Vicoroy was
pleased to consider “ rosults as Yery satisfactory."
38. From Mussendom it was necessary for me to continue iu Vigilant
*o far as Kuraohoe, to which port Captain Brown was bound, and where wo
could comploto our reports, lor preparing which we had found no lcisuro
during tho course of operations.
30. I anticipate that tho proceedings now reportod will havo tho happiest
effects in regard to tho gcucral peace of tho Gulf, and will indirectly materially
•trengthen the position of tho Sultan of Muscat. At the sumo time, I should
&ot bo candid towards Government if I did not add thut, howover successful
may have boon tho.proceedings now reported, neither theso nor any other we
could hopo to oarry out would obviato tho nocossity for caroful und constant
otohing of the tribes on the Arab littoral.