Page 24 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 24


                                   The war with Qatar, 1868                   15

                                         ( n )                                                !

                  I havo to warn you that, if you conspire with Shaikh Mahomod against
               jjahroin, or again put to oca for tho purpose of disturbing the peace, it will be
               my duly to take measures for pulling it beyond your power to'do further
                  British Indian subjects havo suffered loss at your hands by tho destruc­
               tion or plunder of thoir mercantile craft. I invite you to come on board at
               ouco and settle theso questions.
                  You will havo safe couduct whilo on board.

                                      Appoudix 0.                                            :
                  J, Mauomed din Sanee, of Guttar, do hereby solemnly bind myself, iu
               the presence of tho Lord, to carry into effect the undermentioned' terms
               agreed upon between mo aud Lieutcuanl-Coloncl Polly, Ilor Britannic Majesty’s
               Political Rcsidont, Persian Gulf:—
                  I si.—I promiso to return to Dawk a and reside peaceably in that port.
                  2nd.—I promiso that ou no protcuco whatsoever will I at auy liiuo put
               to sea with hostile intention, and, iu the event of disputes or misunderstand-
               iug arising, will invariably refer to the Resident.
                  3rd.—I promise on uo account to aid Mahomed bin Khalifob, or in any
               vroy connect myself with him.
                  Mh.—If Mahomed bin IChalifeh full into uiy hands, I promiso to hand
               him over to tho Resident.
                  0//4.—I promiso to maintain towards Shaikh Ali biu IChalifeh, Chief of
               Bahrein, ull the relations which heretofore subsisted between me and tho
               Shaikh of Bahrein, and in tho event of a difforonco of opiniou arising ns to
               any question, whether money payment or other matter, the same is to bo
               referred to the Rcsidcut.
                  Dated on the 24>th of Jemadi-ool-awul 1280, corresponding with the 12th of
               September 1808.
                  Sealed in our prcacnco by Mahomed biu Sauce, of Guttar, on this tho
               12lk day of September 18C8.
                                            (Sd.)  Lewis Pelly, Lieut.-Col.,
                                              L. D. M.'s Polll. llcsdt., Persian Oulf.
                                            .(Sd.)  It. A. Bhown, Capt.,
                                                 Comdg. 1L. M.'s Ship " Vigilant”
                                      Appoudix 7.
                                    Dated —.
                                          Illb Styumbor IMS
                     From—LieuT.-Coe. Lewis Pslly, Her Uritonnio M.'s Polll. Resident, Persian Gulf.
                     To—Shaikh Jkuiian idn Bahar, Shaikh Maiiohro ion Saksu, Suaikk Addoolla
                        ioh Mahouku, Suaikh Kuuuku iu.n Mouanha, and Shaikh Rahsuid iun Jaoau,
                        Chiefs of Guitar, Wukra.
               aft 8°- 8°01* a8 *° como 0Q ^oard -,uy ship to-morrow morning two houra
                 cr 3UQri»c, and you will bayo safo couduct so long as you aro on board.

                                      Appoudix 7B.
               hcrobv B* 1 '*V'1~“'******6“''i*» Qhuifo, all avjoiuiujj iu llio jmmucu uf Guiiiu, uu
               Ohief ofp °8rcc nnd biud our8olvc8*to PD7 to Shaikh Alt* bin Khaiifch,
                    1 «Bfthroin, the Bums of money per annum heretofore paid’.by us to tho
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