Page 22 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 22
The war with Qatar, 1868 13
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osoot, to procodo mo in arrival at Bahrein and hand you thia lottor, and I
Jtill earnostly hope that on my subsoquont arrival I may find that the domands
piodo ore fully satisflod.
X uador8tand, ou reliable authority, that Shaikh Mahornod, tho nominal
Chief of Bahrein, has Hod; that his intention is to put forward his brother
Ali as spokesman aud dcnouucor of Mahornod, aud then after my doparturo to
return to Bahrein, and escape at onco punishment and reparation.
X most solomaly warn both of you that this description of conspiracy
will no longor avail you, aud that it is beyond ray power to permit any delay
in tho payment of tho money or iu tho compliance of the othor demands of
tho Government.
Appondix C2.
Ilh 8»pi«mW IMJ
From—Lieot.-Col. Lewis Pillt, Ilcr liritaaoio Majesty'a I’olll. Uosdt., Persian Gulf.
To—Shaikh Ali din Kiulifsh, Bahrein.
You will havo alroady roceivcd my letter to your addross 60ut you by the
hands of my-fricud, Captain Brown.
I am now myself arrived, and wish you to corao on board at once; you
will have safo conduct and " auiaa" from mo so long as you aro on board.
Appondix 3.
We, tho undorsignod, Ali bin Khalifeh and tho inhabitants and subjects
of Bahrein in gonoral, do hereby doclaro that Mahomed bin Kholifek having
rcpoatcdly committed acts of piracy and other irregularities at sea, aud having
now, after his recent piratical act, fled from Bahroiu, has forfeited all claim to
his title as principal Shaikh and Ohief of Bahrein, aud at the presout moment
thcro being no other Shaikh, I, Ali bin Khalifoh, rcccivod Resident's lottor
addressod to Mahornod bin Khalifoh, and have understood tho demauds
therein made, aud I horeby agreo and accept tho conditions as follows
lit.—To raako ovor to-morrow morning, 19th Jcmadi-ooUawul 1285 (7th
Septombor 1808), to tho high in rank, Captain Brown, Commanding llor
Majesty's ships present, all the war buglas aud butecls belonging to Mahomed
bin Khalifeh and myself. v.
2nd.—To pay tbo Itcsidcut tho sura of one lakh' of dollars iu tho manner
specified bolow
26,000 dollars cash, payablo on tho spot on tho 7th Septombor 1808.
^6,000 dollars by three annual instalments of 26,000 dollars oach
instalment, being payablo ou the 7tU Septombor of each succossito year until
too total sum is paid up.
nil conjtidor Mahornod bin Khalifeh as permanently oxcludod from
u participation in tho affairs of Bahrein, and as hayiug no claim to that
rritory; and in caso of his returning to Bahrein, I promiso to soizo and mako
01 °T®r to tho Resident. But if I do not act up to tho stipulations now
6rccd, X may he considered a pirate, as Mahornod bin KbalifoU himself.
rene^T1*1! ™w of preserving the pcaco at soa, and precluding tho occur-
>rlmt r disturbance, and in ordor to keep tho Resident informod of
'"ppeus, X piOuilau iu uppuiuv uu Agent on my part at Dushiro.
bitten on tho