Page 25 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 25
16 Records of Bahrain
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Ohiofs of Babroin, ns follows. This total aum to bo paid by ua to Mahomod
bln Sancc of Dawko, and by him to tko Resident for dollrory to tho Agent of
tbc Bahrein Obiof at Buebiro:—
1,700 Kram on account of Ibo Mabomodan tribo.
1,600 „ ditto ditto 13oo Dynayn and Noaim tribes,
600 „ ditto ditto Somiomicb tribo.
600 ditto ditto Cbdaib tribo.
1,600 „ ditto ditto Soodatn tribo.
2,500 „ ditto ditto Mabomed bin Sanoo and Muaallim.
800 „ ditto ditto Amunmerub tribo.
ToUl 0,000 Kram.
And we, tho said Obiefa, understanding that tho Bahrein Ohiof claims from
ua total of 16,000 Krans per annum in lieu of 9,000, aa obovo sot forth, wo do
hcroby furtbor agreo to pay auy extra buuib uot aggregating a total larger
than 16,000, and which tho llosidcnt, after judicial iuYcatigalion, may dccrco.
Written on the
Appondix 8.
Be it known to all Ibo Shaikhs and otbors on tbo Quttar Coast that
Mahomed bin Sancc, of Outtar, is returning with bis tribo to rcsido at bis
town of Dawko, and has bound himsolf to live poacoably thcro and not to
molest any of his neighbouring tribes. It is tboreforo cxpoctcd that all the
Shaikhs and tribes of Quttar should not molest him or his tribesmen. If
any one is found acting othorwiso, or in any way breakiug tho peace at sea, bo
will bo treated iu tbo sarno manuor as Shaikh Mabomed bin IChalifeb, of
Bahrein, lias bcon.
Tho British Rosident, in the most friondly but solomn manuor, warns all
of you that tho Doglish Governmout aro determined to* presorvo the peace at
aca in tbo Persian Gulf. This Government has nothing to ask from any of
you, but it is resolved to fostor trade and to preYont pirates and othor disre-
putablo charactors from injuring honest men who sock to grow rich and mako
their wives and cbildron comfortable.
Written on the
(Sd.) Lewis Pelly, Lieul.-Col.t
If. JO. M's JPoltl. Jlcsdl.f Fenian Out/.
Appondix 0.
Dated !!*h iw
mVB«puinS»r i mi •
From—Liiut.-Col. Liwis 1’ku.t, Her Britannic M.’i Poltl. Roiidont, Peraian Oulf.
To—Suaijch Zatio bin Kiiiurau, Cbiof of Abootbaboo.
Mary months havo elapsed ainco, in obcdicnco to tho ordora of Government,
I called on make roparotion for tho injury and loss of property you had
caused by your piratical attack on tho Quttar Ooaat: you did not comply with
tboso demands, and tho Agont whom you afterwards scut to Bushirc stated
that bo had no instructions to comply with them.
Government bavo now desired mo to visit Abootbaboo and ropcat their
I invite you accordingly to como on board under tho safo conduct which
is hcroby oocorded to you, and bring with you tbo $26,000 boforo demanded;
you will further bo required to surrondcr any wpr craft ongaged in the Guttaf
attack, and to arrange guarantees for future maintenance of tbo peace at sea.