Page 29 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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20 Records of Bahrain
( 10 )
Appondix 13.
It lias come to tho knowledge o( tlio Kesidont that certain Arabs, engaged
in tho Pearl Fisheries, rcccivo advances from tho Chief of ono place, proceed to
son, and afterwards, instead of returning to tho place whoro they received
their advauco, fly to somo other Chieftainship in view to escaping repayment.
This is contrary to justice, and on a Chief proving to tho Ucsidont that
any borrowor has thus lovonted, the Resident will requiro tho Chief to whoso
territory tho thief may have escaped to give him up, and uso his utmost ondca-
vours to sccuro payment; failiugthis, tho Ucsidont will consider tho Chief
harbouring tho thief as responsible for the loss so accruiug.
(Sd.) Lewis Felly, Lieut.-Col.,
LL. R. M's Bolll, Resdt., Persian Gulf.
Appondix Id.
No. 220, doled 17th September 1808.
Prom—Lhot.-Coi.. Lima Psllt, Her Britannic Mojoitj'i Polll. Iteidt., Pereinn Gulf.
To—CimiH It. A. Drown, r. n., Coramouder, Her Mojeity'i Ship Vigilant,
It affords mo very great pleasure to thank you, on the conclusion of our
proceedings on tho Arab Coast, for your most cordial and ablo co-operation in
the dclicato and complicated matters recently disposed of. Not an hour has
been lost, and on every occasion, whothor beforo Bahrein, Aboothabcc, or on
the Guitar.Const, I have been scnsiblo of tho valuable support given mo by
yourself and the officers and men under your command.
You concurred with me in thinking it advisablo that tho three war crafts
of Shaikh Mahomed bin Kbalifeh should bo publicly burnt, and that tho three
war buglas of his brother should bo restored; also that the war craft of tho
Aboothabco Chief should bo burut. All these crafts would have been readily
purchased, had we not considered that theso acts of piracy demanded their
condemnation and destruction. But it will he my duty to bring tho fact of
tho prize, thus foregone by your ship, to the uotico- of Her Mujesty's Indian
Tho exertions and exposure sustained by Licutonant John Hugh Bain-
bridge, in command of tho boats, came particularly under my observation, and
with your permission it will be agrccablo to mo to mention tho name of this
very zealous and efficient officer in my despatch to Government. I would
desiro also to thank by name Mr. Frederick Tull, Acting Gunner.
No one has had opportunity so good as your own of both observing oojj
experiencing the unceasing labour and exposuro which has devolved on all
hands during tho time we hove been employed with the ships under your
command with tho Gunboats Hugh Rote and Clyde and with the Residency
8tcamcr Sind on tho Arab Coast; thccc operations having, moreover, bccu
successfully carried out during the fiercely hot season of the Persian Gulf.