Page 276 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 276
Attack on Bahrain, 1869 267
W- I FEB 7oTj
__ ^.-^/^Datod 1st January 1870.
From— •ComMOThS/h1 G. IIhatii, k. o. jj., Commnnding-in-Chiof,
To—Hib Exop.llbnoy tub Earl of Mayo, Viceroy and Governor General of Indin.
I forward for your Excolloncy’a information a duplicato of tho report of
proceedings in tl\o Persian Gulf, made by Commander Douglas, tbo Senior
Officer of tbo force rocently sont thither at your Excellency's request.
Dntod 4-tli December 1800.
From—Commander G. A. Douolab, Senior Naval Officer, Pemian Gulf,
To—Commodore Sir Leopold G. Heath, k. c. n., Commandiny-in-Chief.
I beg to roport to you, for tbo information of My Lords Commissioners
of tbo Admiralty, that, in complinnco with instructions from Uis Excellency the
Governor of Bombay, and a requisition from His Excellency tbo Viceroy of
India, as also in obodionco with orders contained in your memorandum of the
16th Otobor last, directing mo to proceed without delay to Muscat, and act in
concert with Lioutonant-Colonel Polly, Hor Britannic Majesty’s Political Resident
in tbo Persian Gulf, in obtaining redress for an insult offered to tbo British flag
by tbo authorities at that placo, and from thence to proceed to Bahrein, in ordor
to punish tho Chiofs for breaking tbo maritime truce, and committing several
acts of piracy at the recent attack and plunder of that town, I left Bombay
on tbo 27th Octobor, after leaving orders for Commandor Mcara, of Her
Majosty’s Nymphe, who had arrived the day previous, to comploto with coal
and provisions and join me at Muscat without dolay.
On ray arrival thorc I communicated with Lieutenant-Colonel Polly, who
inforraod mo that an ample apology had been given for tbo insult committed on
the British flag by firing on Her Majesty’s Gun-boat Clyde, and which he con
sidered satisfactory.
Tbo difficulty.with rcfcronco to Muscat having boon settled, it was decided
by Liouteriant-Colonol Polly and myself to proceed to Bahrein.
Tho Gun-boats Clyde and Hugh Rose, of tho Bombay Marino, which I found
hero, having boon placed undor my ordors, I left on tho evening of tho 4th
Novomber with Lioutonant-Colonol Polly for llenjam Telegraph Station, taking
tho Clyde in tow ; leaving the Dalliousic as a protection to tbo English Consul
and British subjects living at Muscat, and orders for tbo Nymphe, on arrival, to
fill up with coal and tako tho Hugh Rose in tow, and join mo at Henjam, whero
• I anchored on tho 7th Novombor.
Aftor remaining thoro for eight days to cnablo Licutonant-Colonel Polly
to havo tolegraphic communication with tho Indian Government and obtain
final instructions, I again loft with tbo Clyde for Liagab, to tako on board
Major Way, Assistant Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf, and two pilots
for sorvico in tbo sovcral vessels ; tho Nymphe again remaining at this place to
bring any further ordors from His Excellency tho Governor. After a dolay of a
low hours at Liagab, I started for Bahrain, arriving there on tbo 17th November.
Dooming it unsafo to tako tbo ship nearer in sboro, owing to tbo shallow
^fttor, I caused one of tho 64-poundcra to bo got on board tbo Clyde, having pre-
Vjou9ly.aont.Mr. White, Navigating-Liontonant, to tnko soundings and buoy tho
Channel, which duty was most satisfactorily porformed, and on tho morning of
tiQ 19tb .procoodod (in tbo gun boat, with all tho availablo boats manned ami
.^g^.and took up a position within range of Manamah Fort on tho Island
• Bvory offort having boon mado by Lieutenant-Colonol Polly and myself
•UinTM• UJ° without resort to force, lull of which proved of no avail,
' . Llnofs in authority having boon duly apprized of our intention to bombard