Page 281 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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                            272                        Records of Bahrain

                                        (/>( ^'I FEB 70m..] 2, elated 8tl» January
                                             PfjrioiVAf^jW, Acting Under Secy, to the Govt. of Bombay, Political Dept.,
                                     —Tha^/^^yffifbfhjyGovcrntncnl of India, Foukion Dept.
                                   1 am directed to forward to you, for submission to His Excollcncy the
                                No. 207. .Mod iho oih Decomber Govornor Qcnoral in Council, copy of ft despatch
                               j!wu*<rci87w ,n Domb‘y °n 11,0 7lh ^roin.^outonaut-Colonol Polly, c. s. i., with accom­
                                                      panying plan, reporting on tlio rccont operations at
                                  Tlio pirate Chiefs, five in number, arrived hero in Her Majesty’ Ship
                               Daphne on the 31st ultimo, and have boon forwarded to Assccrgbur for deten­
                               tion there as prisoners of war.
                                                   No. 207, dated Oth December 1800.
                                   l^rom—Lieut. Colonel L. Belly, o. s. i., //. B. M.’s Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
                                    To—The Secretary to the Government of Bombay, Political Dept.
                                   In continuation of my lottor ns per margin, and of previous correspond­
                                                      ence, I have now. tlio honor to report proceedings
                                No. 204, dated 14tli November 18G9.
                                                      at Bahrein in punishment of tlio rocont piracy.
                               And as those proceedings havo boon conducted by Commander G. A. Douglas,
                               Sonior Naval Ofilcor of Ilor Majesty’s ships present, and inysolf in complete
                               concort and harmony, I propose, in this report, whenever I refer to mattors
                               arraneod in common by us, to uso tlio plural we, instead of rcitoratiug Captain
                               Douglas’ and my own names.
                                   2.  On the 14th November we bad the honor of receiving at Angaum
                               llis Excellency's telegram, instructing us ns to the modc of procedure to be
                               followed at Bahrein, and directing me to intimate our orders to llcr Majesty's
                               Chargd d6 Affairds at Tehran for the information of tlio Persian Government.
                               A copy of tlio telegram sent to Tehran is appended.
                                   3.  As regards tlio mode of procedure, His Excolloncy’s instructions were
                               based’’ .on four recommendations submitted in my lottcr No. 184 of tlio 5th
                               of Ootober 1860.
                                   4.  Of these four recommendations, one related to tlio blockade of tlio
                               Wahabce ports; but, as the fulfilment of this recommendation was postponed
                                                      by His Excellency, ponding a reference to the Vicc-
                                 ViAe my report aont by Uiift op. r0y and OS tllO question of tllO WftllftbcC AlllCCr S
                               KSSK 209, dfttod 01,1 ,,c- complicity in the Bahrein piracy has since formed
                                                      the subject of a separato report, wo do not
                               proposo further alluding in tho prosent lettor to this particular recommendation.
                                   5.  Tho throo remaining recommendations which wo wore diroctcd to carry
                               into effect were as follows :—
                                       “ Firstly, to blockade and otherwise uso force against Bahrein, until
                                          tho leaders of tho piracy, viz., Mahomed bin Abdullah, Isnusor
                                          bin Mobarok, also Mabomed bin Kbalifoh himself, supposing
                                          liim to bo still alive, should bo surrendered.
                                       “ Secondly, and supposing tho choico to bo oiigiblo on gonqr{U
                                          considerations, to rocognizo tho son Esau, of tho late Chief Aloe
                                          bin Khalifoh, as Chief.
                                       " Thirdly, to como to ah understanding with whatpvor Cliiof infeM
                                          bo rccognizod, to tho offcot that tho ostatos and otlior availaD o
                                          property of the pirates and traitors, Mahomed; bin ::Khaluou,
                                         . Mahomed bin Abdullah;- and' Nausor bin- Mobarok, should o
                                          considered as forfeited, and that tho produco or valuo oj, sue
                                          property'should bo applied, in tho first instance, towards P
                                         • reimbursement Of persons plundered. But I would* pxciudo
                                          from "’olaimants to such compensation such porsons 081in(JJ
                                          iriiplidatcd thcmsolvos in tho purohaso of plundorod prop y
                                          at Nominal rates.”
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