Page 283 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 283
274 Records oj Bahrain
( 3 )
tho boats closo in with intention of isolating tho fort by a lino of small arms-
mon across the spit. Somo men from tho fort then enmo down and parleyed.
Thoy strenuously denied tho oxistcnce of .Mahomed bin lChalifoh, but after being
suitably reminded of consequences agreed to surrender him, if only wo would
permit them to communicate with tho garrison. A few minutes afterwards
somo of tho garrison brought Mahomed bin Khali fell down to tho boats in irons,
and thus fell into our bands by a short manoeuvre this fierce old Chief, who has
for a generation past shown himself an incorrigible tyranlund pirate, and a stand
ing annoyanco to succcssivo Itesidents. It is characteristic of the man that
immediately his irons wero removed, he first sot to praying, then drank vigor
ously of coffee, and finally requesting a ,private interview, explained to me
that if I were really an able man, I should replace him in power, or, failing
tliis, that the next best course would be to let him rouse tho whole coast line
against every body else.
10. On tho morniug of tho 20th wo learnt that the Bedouins of Nauscr
bin Mobarek had assembled in large numbors on tho shore lino below tho
Mcnamoh Fort, and throatoned a night attack on tho vessels. Wo further
learnt that the tribos and inhabitants in general were in terror of violence from
the pirato Chiofa and their followers.
17. To meet those circumstances, a lottor was addressed to tho lioad
Chief, informing him that if injury occurred, the ships would open fire.
Meantime Clyde was brought back to the anchorago opposite Monamoh.
18. During tho 21st a further lettor was addressed to Mahomed biu
Abdullah, informing him that tho proceedings and movements of Nauscr bin
M'obarok bad compelled us to resoivo on dislodging him from tho Mcnamoh Fort,
and wo simultaneously addressed a letter to tho head of tho tribes on tho coast
lino, requesting that neither men nor animals might bo allowed to embark.
19. On the 22nd Clyde was run in to tho inner anchorago immediately
opposite the Monamch Fort, while tho boats in cliargo of Lioutonant Acklom
took up a flank position commanding one of tho gates. Nausor and his Bedou
ins were speedily shelled out of tho fort with loss, and received tho firo of tho
small arms on emerging.
20. Nausor bin Mobarek then fled to a privato houso further inland.
A spy indicated the building, and a shall bursting iu Nauscr’s room again com
pelled him to fly with loss.
21. During tlio nights of tho 22nd and 23rd information was brought
to us of Nauscr bin Mobarek being lodged in a musjid closo to the slioro
lino of tho Bahrein Island. We therefore took the boats with intent to a night
surprise, hut the Pilot mistaking the channel in tho dark, tho boats grounded
aud had to return. # Naifscr, however, discovered our movement at daybreak,
and retreated inland to the hill fort Ruflah.
22. On the 24th tho winter sot iu aud suspendod all operations during
three days.
' ^ 23. On tho 27th throe craft attempting to run tho blockado wore fired on.
Two of them then desisted, but one ran on and was burnt.
24. At sunset of tho 27th intolligonco reached us that 8haik Nusscr, a
soil of treasurer and general minister to tho pirato Chiefs, had sailed across to
Molmrrag in viow to an interview with his master, and that ho would probably
return after dark to. Monamoh. Ho was surprised accordingly in his boat ivu o
returning, and was brought on board Clyde. This is tho raun alluded to iu
former roports as having been tho rccipiont of a large portion of tho plun o ,
and without whoso aid tho pirato Chiefs and Bedouins could not havo subaistc
25. Learning on the 28th that Ahmed bin Abdullah, brothor to tlio hoad
pirato Chiof, hud been appointed to tho charge of tho Monamch Fort, firing
was re-opened on it; and Nymjihe with Hugh Rose in tow arriving