Page 286 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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Attack on Bahrain, 1869                  277

                                        (. 6 )
           with skctohos of intricato navigation; and I may add that all tho naval
           officors with whom I havo had tho lienor of co-opcrating during tho past seven
           years havo boon unanimous in opinion that they had nover seen more1 trea­
           cherous and pirato-likc ground than that which envolopos tho rcof-bound
           coasts of ]3akroin and tho Wniinbco ports.
               48. X havo already brought tUo claim of Captain Elton, commanding
           Gunboat Clyde, under tho notice of His Excellency, and it is unnecessary
           therefore for me now to do more than renew an expression of my satisfaction
           with him during tho tlirco and half years ho has served in theso waters.
               4-9. Finally, I would desire, in concluding this inadequate despatch, to
           record my grateful thanks to all tho officers and men of Her Majesty’s Ships
           Rayihnc and Nympho and of tho inariuo Guuhoats Clyde and Jlvrjh Rose.
           It would ho impossihlo for any men to hohavo with better order and discipline
           than did tho mon of Hor Majesty’s ships present during this expedition. Their
           solf-rcstraint whon landod in tho town of Mcnamch after it had been aban­
           doned by nearly all its male inhabitants, was rcmarkablo, and defenceless
           women approachod tho column without fear of .molestation.
               50.  It is necessary to bear in mind that whilo I may not venture to do
           moro than montion tho names of tho officers who have been prominently
           associated with me, yot tho heat and burthon of the day have been equally
          - homo by all hands.
               51.  In tho Political Dnpartniont my Assistants, Majpi's Cotton Way, and
           Sidney Smith, have been with mo on ovory occasion , and I beg »'o strongly
           recommend these meritorious ofliccrs to the favorablo consideration of His
           Excellency in Council.
               52.  It would be unjust if I did not add that my Interpreter, late Acting
           Uncovcnantcd Assistant, Mr. George Lucas, has been of essential sorvicc to
           mo. During the past sevon years he has accompanied moon numerous arduous
           and delicate duties.
               53.  Tho utility of tho Angnum Telegraph Station, as shown on the
           present- and previous occasions, will not cscapo tho notice of His Excellency
           in Council. It is situate on a most convenient point for ordinary work, and
           during a crisis becomes tho ccutro of communication.
               54.  Captain Douglas, like othor Commanders, has brought to my notice
           tho advisability of causing an accurato survey of tho ICatocf and Bahrein reef
           channels to bo.made.
               55.  I have remarked in a preceding paragraph * that tho officers of Her
                        Majesty’s ships wero detaohed for somo 17 days in boats and
            • Pnrngrnjtli 43.
                        on board the gunboats, when those ^ent into shallow waters.
           During this period it became necessary to mess these officers at tho tables
           of tho Commanders or gun-room messes of tho two gunboats. I would
           respectfully suggest that no claim be made on Her Majesty’s officers on this
           account, and that an allowance at tho rate of Rs. 5 per officer por diem he
           sanctioned to the Commanders and Messos at which tho officers referred to wero
                                  Dated 14th Novonibor 18G0.
                               Telegram from—Governor of Bombay,
                               To—Coi.onkl L. Pkm.y.
               Notify by tolcgraph to. Mr. Thomson for information of Persian Govern­
           ment that you havo rccoivcd ordors from India to proceed to Bahrein with gun­
           boats and vessels of Royal Navy from Bombay, and to call Chiof nowin posses­
           sion of island to account for broach of maritimo truce and attack on Chiof
           fi laced in powor by British Govornmont. Aot on first rocommondation in your
             o. 184 of 5th October; second recommendation approved, if on mature consi­
           deration on tho spot of all ciroumslancos aud feelings of tho pcoplo found
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