Page 289 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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280                        Records of Bahrain

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                                       Should any oraft or porson attompt to lcavo, plcaao dotain lior or him
                                   and inform mo. Any of tho Dowasir tribo coming on. board my ship will
                                   liavo safo conduct and bo politely received.
                                       Should poreona or proporty * be allowed to dopart without my consent,
                                   tho nonsflrjuotiEcsrwill’bo on tho Load of all concerned.

                                   Extract from letter No. 131 $/* 5th October 18GO,/r0j» 11. D. M.'s Political Resident, Persian ■
                                          Oufy to Uo Secretary to the Government of Bombay, Political Department.
                                       Thirdly, to como to an understanding with whatovor Chief might bo rccog-
                                   nizod, to tho effect that tho estates and other available property of tho pirates
                                   and trnilors, Mahomed bin IChalifeh, Mahomed bin Abdullah, and Nauscr bin
                                   Mobarok, should bo considered as forfeited, and that tho produce and value
                                   of suchiprpporty. should bo applied, in tho first instance, towards the reimburse­
                                   ment of porsous pluudorcd. But. I would oxcludo from claimants to such com­
                                   pensation such porsons as may liavo implicated themselves in the purohaso
                                   of plundorcd property at nominal rates.

                                      1I, Esauibin Aloo bin IChalifeh, Chief of Bahrein, do, of my own free will,
                                   agreo to the above nrrangoment.
                                           Signed and Sealed by Esau bin Alee bin Khalifeh.
                                           Signod and Sealed in our presence on the 3rd day of December 1809.
                                                                 LEWIS BELLY, Lieut.-Colonel,
                                                            TL. B. M's Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                                                                 G. A. DOUGLAS,
                                             Senior Naval Officer of JI. At.’s Ships employed in the Persian Gulf.
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