Page 293 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 293

                                                          Records of Bahrain

                                         U|2 I FEB 7<j)'      .

                                         5^-......7, dated 7th January 1870. .
                                       From— E. H.TEUCIVAI/, Eaq., Acting Undor-Sccrotnry to Govornmont, Bombay.
                                       To—Tho Sccrotary to tho Govern:.lont of India, Foreign Dept.
                                      I am directed to forward to you, for submission to His Excellency tho
                                   n<*. 208 nm\ 313, d«u»i oth «nd Govornor Gcnoral in Council, copies of tho dos-
                                  mh nccomw i8co.       patches notod on tho margin, from tho Political
                                  Itosidont in tho Porsian Gulf, rolativo to affairs at Bahrein.

                                                     No. 208, dated Oth Doccmbor 18G9.
                                       From—Lieut.-Col. Lewis Pelly, c. s. i., II. B. M.’s Political Itesidont, Poreiau Gulf.
                                       To—Tho Socrotary to tho Government of Bombay, Political Department.
                                      I have tho honor to submit, for tho information of His Excolionoy tho
                                  Goyornor in Counoil, a copy of a roport received from my 2nd Assistant, Major
                                  Sidney Smith, upon his roturn from tho Pirato Coast, whithor Captain Douglas,
                                  Sonior Naval Officor of Hor Majesty’s ships presont, obligingly dotachcd Hor
                                  Majosty’s Nymphe with Hugh Rose iu tow, under command of Commander
                                  Mcara, to visit tho Chieftainships.
                                     2.  His Excolloncy iu Council will obsorvo that Major Smith’s roport is
                                  vory satisfactory; that our proceedings at Bahrein havo had a happy offcct;
                                                        and that wo may liopo that theso Oliioftains will
                                   • r.* Riw.njjpcndcd treniifttcd pur. now rofrain from aiding tho Wahabco Amcor in
                                  chiot.                any aggressivo movement against tlio Muscat
                                     3.  Major Smith expresses his obligation to Commander Moara, and I
                                  would bog to add mino, for his courteous and valuable co-oporation on the pre­
                                  sent and many previous occasions during our rccont expedition on tho Arab
                                                        Dated Oth December I860.
                                      From—Major Sidhey Smith, 2nd AshI. to II. B. M/s Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                                      To—II. B. M/b Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                                    . Agreeably to your instructions, dated tho Oth instant, I havo tho honor
                                  to roport that I met Shoik Zoid at Aboothabco on tho 0th, and informod imn
                                  of Essaw-bin-Ali’a having assumed tho Chiefship of Bahrein.
                                     2.  I also warned him against giving aid in aggressive movemonts, espe­
                                  cially on tho part of tho Wahabccs, as such proocodings would meet
                                  serious displcasuro.
                                     3.  Apponded is a lettor tho Chief at onco wroto to your address.
                                     ■i. Slioik Zoid asked what had boon dono rogarding hid 03c'aP‘^n8'?v" :
                                  adding that it was not on account of.tho valuo of tho slavo that ho was^n   »
                                  but because tho peoplo of Aboothabco wero all waiting to boo how tho
                                  will ond. ‘
                                  .   5. It may not bo out of placo to’   ^fs^in tho placo of
                                  EssftWrbin-Ali was Chief at Bahroin, said— This is rig »
                                  his father. Quite right, quite right.”            I! .  .   , viti.
                                     0. On tho 8th X mot Sheik Salim at Sharjah, and communicated
                                  liim according to your instructions.
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