Page 294 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
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Attack on Bahrain, 1869                  285

                                        ( 2 )
               llo professed alarm at Azan-bin-Ghes' intentions, but his real alarm Is
            probably from another quarlor.
               7. Abdor Rahman, whom I saw, said that when nows arrived oh the
           const of the bombarding of Port in Manah'mch, it had an excellently calming
               The Agont reports everything going on satisfactorily; every: Chiefih his
            own territory.
                                                                 • i
              ‘ 8. Attached is his letter to your address.
               9. I wroto a fow lines, basod upon your memorandum of instructions
           for tlio Agent, as a memorandum of what ho should say on -mooting other
               10. I am much indebted to Captain Mcara for tlio facilities ho afforded
           me in carrying out the above duty,
               Tlio complimentary manner in which he rccoivcd tho Chiefs on board his
           ship must have been very gratifying to them.

           Transited purport of a letter from Znin-BiN-KnALiFAn, Chief of Abootlmbce, to.Colonel
                     Lewis Peli.y, Resident, Persiau Qulf, dated 7th Dccqrabcr J.869.
               After Compliments,—I received your letter, and undprstood its contents.
           I also wrote to you a lettor which I trust has reached you.
              At this dato Captain Smith arrived horo, and I had an interview with him.
              The events at Bahrein have given mo much plcasuro.
              As regards tlio Wahabccs, it shall boas tho Govornmont wish. If it
           plcaso God. your orders will always bo attsndcd to and obeyed. I sliali act as
           the Government may deem fit, and not otherwise.
                                 (True translated purport)
                                             (Signed) Geo. LUCAS,
                                            Inspector Jlcsidoicy, Persian Out/.

                              ’No. 212, dated 18th December 1809.   •
              From—Likut.-Colonix Lewis Felly, c. s. i., II. B. M.’b Political Resident-, Persian Gulf
             To—Tho Secretary to the Government of Bombay, Political Department.
              In continuation of my report of recent proceedings at Bahrein, I havo the
                               honor to submit tliat I pm now detaching Gun­
          No. 207, iUto«l 0th Uccoinbor 18G0.
                               boat Clyde to Bahrein to lend moral support to the
          new Chief, and with instructions that if tlio escaped pirate, Nassir-bin-Mobarik,
          again attempt to descend, ho is to be provouted by.forco.
              2. A copy of my letter of instructions to Captain Elton is enclosed.

                              No. 678, dated 13th December 18G0.
              From—Lieut.-Colonkl Lewis Felly, o. s. i., II, B. M.’s Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
             To—Tho Comraandor, Ilor Majesty’s Guuboat Clyde.
             • Ploaso proceed with Major "Way on board to Bassadoro, whoro Major IVay
          will land himself and establishment. Fill up with coal at Bassadoro, and tlion
          proceod with all practicable spood to Bahroin, rouiainiug at that anchorngo.
          until further instructions.
              2. Your duty at Bahroin will bo to givo gonoral moral support to Sheik
          Resaw-bin* Ali by the prosouco of your ship.
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