Page 290 - Records of Bahrain (2) (i)_Neat
P. 290
Attack on Bahrain, 1869 281
* f 2! FEB VO !,,j
No. 154 P, dated '20th January 1870.
From—C. U. Aitohibon, Esq., Oflg. Secy, to the Govt, of Indio, Foreign Dept.,
Tor-Tho Secretary to tho Government of Bombay.
I iiave tho honor to acknowledge tho recoipt of your lottor No. 12, dated
8th January 1870, giving covor to a roport from Colonol Polly of hie prococd-
'ihgs forth© punishraont of tho offenders conccrnod in tho raid upon Bahroin.
2. In roply I am diroctcd to stato that tho Vicoroy and Governor Gcnoral
in Council has porused tho roport with great intorost, and ho instructs mo to
communioato to you his ontiro approval of Colonol Polly’s proceedings.
3. Gis Excclloncy in Council is of opinion that Colonel Pclly has con
ducted tho wliolo affair with groat prudence, discretion and courago, and ho
dcairoa that tho warm congratulations of the Govornmont of India may ho
convoyod to that officer on his success.
4. His Excellency in Council likowisc requests that tho thanks of this
Govornmont nmy bo communicated to Captain Douglas and to tho othor officers
associated with Colonol Polly, for thoir oxortions on tho occasion.
G. With rofcrcncc to para. 55 of the report, His Excolloncy in Council
sanctions tho proposal thoroin mado regarding tho messing of tho officers for
tho timo thoy woro on dotnehed duty with the gun-boats, and roquests that
Colonel Polly will state definitely tho total expenditure incurred on this account.
G. Tho Marine Department will be asked to tako into consideration tho
quostion of tho survoy of tho Kalccf and Bahrein ltccf channols, reforrod to in
para. 54 of Colonel Felly’s report.