Page 407 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
P. 407


                                        ON T1IB


                          MASK AT POLITICAL AGENCY


                          Part I.-GENERAL SUMMARY.
            Rainfall and Harvest.—Generally throughout Southern Persia, the rainfall I.—General,
        during the winter of 1902-1903 has been good, and the prospects of the harvest
        are  better than they have been for many years. Locusts have done some
        damage to the crops in the districts adjacent to Bushire. In the Kanin districts
        the crop prospects may be said to he excellent, and at Shiraz there is every hope
        of a really good harvest. The prices of foodstuffs have fallen and arc likely to
        fall very considerably later on. In Bush ire, at the close of the year, wheat was
        selling at 23 Krans and barley at IS Kraus per Uaslnui Man of 121 lbs.
            2.  The Governorship of Rush ire and Gulf Torts.—Ilis Excellency the
        Salar-i-Moazzim lias been Governor throughout the year, and it is understood
        that he will remain in office for the coming year.
            3.  Public Peace and Tranquillity.—Good order was maintained in Busliire
        and its neighbourhood during the year. In January 1903, the Governor sum­
        moned to Busliire Zaycr Khadcr, the Zabit or Headman of Tangistan. Relying
        on the assurances given to him, Zaycr Khadcr complied and came to Bushirc,
        hut on the 3rd February, as he was leaving the Governor’s residence after an
        apparently friendly interview with His Excellency, he was arrested. A scuffle
        ensued between Zaycr Khadcr’s men who had accompanied him and the Gov­
        ernor’s, and three of the latter were killed. Zaycr Khadcr, however, remained in
        custody where he still is. It was thought at one time that local troubles would
        arise on account of this incident, and tlircatening letters were addressed to me
        and other Consuls in Busliire by Zaycr Khadcr’s following in Tangistan who
        came to the Imam Zada in Resliire. Nothing, however, resulted and matters
        are apparently now quiet in Tangistan.
            *1. Public Health.—A. very soverc epidemic of small-pox occurred in
        Shiraz during the summer months and a large number of children fell victims
        to tho disease. In Bushire small-pox broke out during the winter and many
        persons succumbed to the disease. Cholera in epidemic form appeared in July
        at Gwadur and lasted until the cud of August. During this period 2G5 persons
        aro reported to have died. In October the disease again appeared ana lasted
        for a month carrying off 256 persons. On tho 18th December a • report was
        received from the Telegraph Station at Jask that cholera had broken out there.
        The disease originated in somo villages in the vicinity of tho Telegraph Station.
        By the end of tho month tho discaso died out, but during this period, according
        to the report received from tho Assistant Surgeon at Jask who supervised the
        observation camp in the neighbourhood of tho station, 52 cases with 29 deaths
        occurred. Tho disease also appeared, about the samo time at Minab, 60 miles
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