Page 410 - PERSIAN 4 1899_1905
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ing ono of the crew and earn ing off some goods. In October a ] arty of Arabs
looted a barge of the Moin-ut-Tujnr at Uriss and afterwards attacked a caravan.
On the 3rd February the Ferahan Regiment, some 800 strong, while ou the
march from Khoremabad to Dizful, was attacked in the hills by a section of the
Pishkuh Lurs. After some re.-istanoe in which the regulars arc said to havo lost
80 men, the remainder surrendered. The Lurs took their rifles and ammunition
and other stores, and also looted the caravan, which was marching -with the
troops, of goods said to be of the value of •!0,000 Tomans (equal to about
it 1,15,000). The Bakhtiaris were ordered to levy a force to chastise the Lurs
and it is believed that t ho punishment has been carried out though no reliable
report has been received.
His Excellency the Muyz-cs-Sultanch, Chief of Mohainmcrali, was, in
August, given the exalted rank and title of Sardar Arfa and a jewelled sworth
llis son Sheikh Chascb was also decorated and given the title of Nasrct-el-Mulk.
The Beni Truf tribe have given trouble during the year and the Sardar
Arfa had prepared an expedition to deal with them. They however came in
and submitted before operations against them were undertaken.
In Novembor the Turkish Government reduced the export duty on horses at
Basrah. Consequently fewer horses were taken to Moliammerali for shipment.
VIII.—Fara and (1) Shiraz.^-His Excellency the Assaf-cd-Dowleh was Governor-General
Persian const. of Fare during the year. A new Governor-General was, however, appointed on
the 21st March, or Persian New Year’s day, and the Assaf-cd-Dowleh left for
Tehran, the Ala-ed-Dowleh being then on his way to succeed him. The Assaf-ed-
Dowleh though generally liked by the people of Shiraz, was not a strong ruler,
and was quite unable to maintain order amongst the turbulent tribesmen of the
districts. The roads were generally unsafe, highway robberies were frequent
and the Persian Post between Shiraz and Bushirc was stopped and robbed ou
three occasions. The Legation Courier on his way from Tehran to Shiraz was
stopped by lvashkais in the Tangi Bulaki in the neighbourhood of Sivand and
stripped of every thing. The robbers, however, restored to him the letters
which lie brought in to 81iiraz.
During April and May the city of Shiraz was in a state of considerable
excitement owing to the scarcity of bread. The bakers closed their shops and
there was every fear of disturbances. The timely arrival of the Assaf-cd-Dowleh
on the 23rd May somewhat allayed the anxiety of the people and arrangements
were made for the bakers' shops to be opened and for bread to be sold at lower
prices. Later on, the harvest being a satisfactory one and new grain being
brought into the place, prices fell considerably and all anxiety was removed.
The Kowam-cl-Mulk, who, as reported, in last year's report, had been
obliged to leave Shiraz, was allowed, as a special concession consequent on the
death of liis wife which occurred in Shiraz on the 6tli July, to return to his home
for a short period. He arrived in Shiraz on 2nd August and left again for
Kcrbella, where he had been ordered to take up his abode, on the 20th Septem
ber. He was later on in the year pardoned by the Shah and received His
Majesty's permission to return to Shiraz.
The new Residency building at Shiraz was completed during the summer.
I vished Shiraz in May and remained there during the summer, returning to
Busliirc iu the end of October.
There was an exceptionally severe winter in Shiraz.
(2) Lar.—The district of Lar has been in a disturbed state. About tbe
middle of January reports reached Lingah that Haji Ali Kuli Khan, Deputy
Governor of Lar, being on bad terms with Baker Khan, Deputy Governor of
Ishkanan, invaded the latter province with a large force and sacked the village
▼ of 13iram. Later on a reconcilition was effected, Baker Khan agreeing to pay
A the Government revenues for the Gilahdar, Ishkanan and Shib Koh districts.
During Haji Ali Kuli Khan’s absence, his two nephews created a disturbance
and killed two Saivids who wero in charge of tho Government affairs at Lar.
They then, with their father, hearing of Ilaji Ali Kuli Khan's approach, took
refuge in tho fort at Art. The fort was invested and subsequently surrendered,
l Ilaji Ali Kuli Khan pardoning his rebellious brother who was, however, fined
16,000 Tomans, ono of his nephews being kept os security for tho payment.