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carried off. Representations made to the Persian and Turkish authorities
produced no result, but Sheikh Mubarok visited tho Chief of Moliammcrah
iu connection with tlicso piracies, and it is not known what arrangement was
couic to betwoen tho two Chiefs.
Early in September an expedition was organized at Dora by Yusuf bin
Ibrahim, with tho object of either attacking Koweit and getting rid of Sheikh
Mubarck or else of committing piracies on Koweit boats. Tho Commander of
H.M.S. Lapwing having received nows of the expedition mado a search for tho
dhows. On 5th September two dhows containing some 100 armed men woro
discovered in the Klior Abdulla and were ascertained to be tho suspected dhows.
Lieutenant and Commander Armstrong gave chase in four of tho ships* boats.
The Arabs finding that they .could not escape, ran their dhows ashoro on tho
Persian sido of the cntranco to tho Shatt-cl-Arab. The Lapwing's boats which
wore in hot pursuit came up and a fight ensued between the boats and the Arabs
who liad got ashore. After a sharp light, in which one blue jacket was kiLled
aud two wounded, tho Arabs lied, losing, it is believed, some six men killed and
several wounded.
The dhows wero captured and later on destroyed. The gallant action of
Commander Armstrong and his men in pursuing and capturing these dhows, is
deserving of the highest praise. Several of the men belonging to the dhows
were subsequently arrested while trying to cross the river to the Turkish side
and were detained in custody by the Chief of Mohammerah.
In consequence of the representations made to the Turkish authorities,
Yusuf bin Ibrahim has boon ordered to leave Dora and it is understood that he
has left the place.
On the night of the 26th November a Mask at buggalow owned by two
British Indian subjects was pirated in the river while she was lying olf Maamer
on the Turkish side. Ono of the crew was killed and tho Nakhoda wounded,
400 dollars in cash and other property being carried olf.
In February another Koweit boat was attacked in the Klior Musa.
A passenger and the Nakhoda and four of the crew wero killed and a large
amount of cash and property was carried olf. The Turkish and Persian
authorities arc being pressed to take action against the pirates who have of
recent years done so much mischief in the neighbourhood of the Shatt-cl-Arab.
Sheikh Mubarck invariably charges Yusuf bin Ibrahim with responsibility for
tho piracies, but with tho exception of the Lapwing incident no definite proof
against the man has been adduced.
XIX.—17a vy. Tho following ships of IIis Majesty’s Navy visited the Gulf during the
Pomone, Sphinx, Redbreast, Lapwing, Amphitrite, Cossack, Assaye, Fox
and Renown.
The Russian cruisers Askold and Boyarin, and the French cruiser In/ernet
also visited the Gulf.
In January an addition was mado to the Persian navy by the purchase of
the Belgian yacht Selika, now named the Zlozafferi. A Belgian Captain is in
cliarge and she has two European engineers. She is understood to have been
purchased for Customs work.
XIII.- Official Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Kemball, C.I.E., was Resident throughout the year.
Captain Verc de Vere Hunt, who succeeded Mr. Davis as First Assistant,
arrived at Busliiro on 23rd ApriL
^Lieutenant C. L. Peart, 4th Sikhs, arrived from India on 1st July oil a
year’s doputation to Persia as Assistant to the Resident and proceeded to Shiraz
where he now is.
Major E. Wickham Hore, I.M.S., was transferred to Baghelkhand and was
succeeded as Residency Surgeon by Captain de Vere Condon, I.M.S., who
arrived in Busliiro on 25th November.
XIV.-Foreign Dr. Roiohardt was Consul for Germany throughout tho year. He visited
BoprcBonta- Shiraz during the summer and quitted Bushire for Europe on leave in the end
of March. ^ He has been succeeded by Herr Von Mutius.
Monsieur Chaloin was Vice-Consul for Franco during tho year. Towards
the end of aiaroh he took over tho duties of Consul for the Nothorlanda fto®
Mr. Moesmonn who resigned tho appointment